prevent stretch marks?

i know so many guyz who have nothin but tonnes of fat stuffed in their bodies..and they have stretch marks on their arms shoulders etc...

i guess there r two types of stretch marks..

one which appears when your muscles stretches your skin to such a level that it is forced to tear off your skin ...

and the other where there is so much fat that it forcefully cracks your skin...

i have had such a crap experience with stretch marks on my right shoulder..i was doing this dumb bell fly on a flat bench.. and stretched my skin so much that blood started oozing out from the stretch marks.. scary but i wiped it off and carried on with the next set..
The less BF% you are when you train the less stretch marks you will get. Yes some BB's do get them, but it is when they are fat the get them the worst. Try some cocoa butter, that is about it, thats what they tell pregnant women to get. I have them, and tanning works the best for me, in the summer i am so dark you cant even see them, now at winter they stand out like a white man in the million man march.