Progress pics. Good or bad feedback please


I still have 3 weeks left of cutting but here is my progress so far..

The First pic was taken in dec last 2007. In Feb 2008 I had a bad accident at gym so I couldn't train until june. When I got back into gym I hit a bulking course for 12 weeks and now I have been cutting for around 6 weeks. I took test enth and dbol for my bulking, and now Im on winstrol, t3 and clen for my cutting. Im cutting now because its our summer here in South Africa.
If anyone is wondering what accident happened to me, a 90kg barbell fell on my face. I can post pics of what I looked like after the accident if anyone is interested. I have made a full recovery after several operations.

Any constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated
Gotta be careful bro accidents happen......glad you are ok now!
why t3 and clen. im sure you can achieve your goals for cutting with just cardio. you cant weight more then 160 pounds.

but it also depends on what your goals are
Hey man - you are lookin good but I agree w/ these guys. The clen T3 is really harsh as is the winstrol and you are already very lean. Take care of your bod on the INSIDE too! Go for another bulk but do it with diet - there's plenty of good info on here and you could pack on 20lbs easy natty!

Oh yeah - & post the accident pics - since you recovered so well it will be interesting to see the results of a 90KG accident!
Sorry to hear about the accident, glad you made a full recovery..
Can we get some more stats please (age, weight, height, etc..)?
Just judging from your lean frame, you don't need T3 or clen bro. I bet a good diet and a little extra cardio would go a long way in terms of cutting, for you.
ok here is the pic from the night of the accident. My nose was absolutely crushed and my upper jaw broke off my skull.
Sorry to hear about the accident, glad you made a full recovery..
Can we get some more stats please (age, weight, height, etc..)?
Just judging from your lean frame, you don't need T3 or clen bro. I bet a good diet and a little extra cardio would go a long way in terms of cutting, for you.

Im 22 years old, I'm 70 kg in weight and I'm 5'7 in height.

I completely understand what you guys are saying about my cutting. But my goals are to be super ripped rather than bulky or big. I want a similar body to Cam Gigandet in 'never back down' for those who have seen the movie. Im looking to drop to about a 6% bodyfat.. at the moment im on about 9%

I do about 30 min of cardio, 6 days a week. I eat pretty lean as well.. e.g. bowl of oats in the morning with 3 egg whites, chicken breast and a cup of rice mid morning, chicken breast and a cup of rice at lunch, protien shake after gym at about 4.30, and chicken breast and veg for dinner.

Next year in our winter when Im bulking i want to pack on about 5 kg's of muscle before I start cutting again for summer
Hey man - Great Pic! you will have lots of stories to tell with that one! You are a handsome guy so good that it won't affect your luck with the ladies! Having said that I'm still of the opinion that 6% lean is going to be marginally unhealthy for you - if you maintain that you will def loose some muscle to achieve it. I'd say go for a good clean diet - stay where you are with leanness and try to get some mass on your frame. But it is your decision - everyone has an idea of what looks good on themselves! I tryed the Clen/T3 early in the year and was not impressed - definately did not melt off the fat as claimed and I had lots of sides with it - shortness of breath, dizzy, etc. So if you want ot really lean out I'd say look at a CKD diet.

Good luck , bro and remember to get a nice Cheistmas present for your surgeon! LOL
was the barbell of 90kg falling on your face from lack of strength? using all those cutters when there is nothing to cut is a waste of money, you could of got the exact same results with out them although you do look cut... but i can see your waist size is bigger than your chest... and traps need work, make good for holding heavy weights above your head ;)
dude.... if your going to take any thing.. cycle test e at 750mg with deca at 500mg and pray you fix that. You look shredded no doubt.. so rest assure your safe with that. just seeing what your on and still going for it scares me man.. the above comment about the test was a joke by the way.. you could achieve that naturally man!!! stop harming and wasting!
good to me mate..keep it up but as siad your well cut so lay off the cutting $hit for a bit..

anyway looking good bro looking good
But my goals are to be super ripped rather than bulky or big. I want a similar body to Cam Gigandet in 'never back down' for those who have seen the movie.

Regardless if you should be on or not, your where you want to be if you want to look like him. In my opinion your really close.

Nice job.
thanks for all the feedback guys.

Today I finnished my course of clen and t3 so its just dieting and cardio from here on..

I'll keep you updated on my progress :)