I fully agree. Just about everyone could have put on a few extra lbs natty before taking the plunge... the thing is, as humans we are an impatient species. I think as long as enough prior planning & research has been done, enough time training to ensure correct form & strengthened connective tissue & your diets dialed in.. your good to go. Plus your under 3J's guidance, you won't go wrong.
I wonder how many of us could really say they waited until they hit their genetic potential lol?
Right on man, this is how I felt about it. At the end of the day an individual will decide whether they're mature enough, or have progressed enough to take the next step. Everyone of course will have a different view on this, both sides being respectable in my opinion. I know the risks, I've done the research, I've been lifting and playing with my diet for years (just not as consistently as some would feel is needed).
At some points I'd follow things for a years time, 6 months, 3 months then I'd get into "life" issues and back off. I'd make good progress, hit goals.. blah blah blah, but then I would get hung up and prioritize more important things at the time. Doesn't mean I forget everything I've done and assume it was all a waste you know?
I'm glad you all appreciate my progress regardless of your opinion on when I started. This shit's awesome, it really is. I urge anyone who is thinking about doing it, and can honestly say to themselves that they are ready.. and I mean you got your diet down, lifting down, bodyfat down, researched a dick load, and have everything in hand, to do it! There's a reason taking them is a thing, cause they work. There's also a reason this site preaches bloodwork, PCT, age recommendation for AAS, and being at a certain health and fitness level before starting; they can destroy systems in your body and leave you hypo for life, of course among other things (high bp, low HDL, depression, lack of libido, etc.). Know the risks, and know how to do your best at lessening the negative sides of these drugs.
Anyway, thanks Prince. I appreciate your encouragement.