Progress Pics ( Week 10 1st Test Cycle 15lbs and counting )

got any before pics? great job on the 15lb tho :)

Absolutely, not really flexed though. I've been with 3J for a while now, just typically stand straight and take a picture fasted and no pump.

Sorry, in a towel. This picture shows where I was the last bulk I completed. Basically, the same time in the previous bulk, but I'm quite leaner, and have quite a bit more lean mass.

I should mention this picture was after the use of a ProHormone to bulk.. I was fat, depressed, shut down, and entering PCT. It was quite a ridiculous 4 week cycle of oral only steroids and I'd rather just let that be a learning experience and not have to elaborate any further.

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In this picture I'm 198-200

In the previous pictures I'm 196 and tomorrow marks the beginning of my 10th week of Test E. I should mention that I saw very slow gains until lowering my thyroid medication after finding out Test and Synthroid have an interaction and essentially turn an individual "Hyper" in terms of thyroid function. Basically I was eating 4500 Calories a day and seeing .25lbs or .5lbs a week.
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I suppose I should also throw in, maybe the leanest spot we got to before starting this cycle of test. I went from 198 to 178 in about 8 weeks with 3J before considering a cycle, and then waited an additional month or so to begin. I then began bulking without drugs until reaching 183-185 at which point we began the Test cycle.

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This picture should demonstrate to viewers the position I was in before beginning the bulk. It took several weeks to have me dialed in and gaining and once I put on several pounds "natural", I took the plunge.

Thanks for the interest, and I apologize for not including any back drop for anyone who's confused at the moment.
Heya, just wanted to share some progress pics. Yes, I'm a little fat.. lay off lol

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Ohhhh yeah! And I think I'm gettin close to lookin like this guy huh?

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Any pics of the 3 or 4 years where you've trained natural?not neccessarily dissin your progress, but it seems like you could have passssd where you're at now naturally fairly easily.
Just sayin, maybe you've punched your nitrous button a little too soon.
Any pics of the 3 or 4 years where you've trained natural?not neccessarily dissin your progress, but it seems like you could have passssd where you're at now naturally fairly easily. Just sayin, maybe you've punched your nitrous button a little too soon.

Hmmm. I actually might have one of me when I was 18. I was like 160lbs then but a little chubby too. I really wish I could find my before and afters from when I was 14.... Thing is, I've been so on and off with the lifestyle it's hard for me to go.. Well here's a pic of me when I was small, medium, large.. After I graduated high school and went to college I did a lot of adderall, by the time I dropped out and went to work I was down 20lbs. Literally anything I had developed previous to 19yrs old, even this pic I'm about to put in would be stripped to nothing.

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I'm not saying I didn't decide to take drugs earlier than I should have. I mean, I did 2, 4 week cycles of ProHormones previous to starting this with the first one having an OTC PCT and I was 22 (1st run), 23 (2nd run)... I definitely could have passed on those and grown to 185 natural from where I was. That was a really poor decision.

In regards to the point I began my test.. I'm not upset about where I started or where I'm at this far in.. I'll just take your post as an opinion and leave out any remarks I have. :)

Besides, have I not read 100 times by Zilla that one can use AAS to reach genetic potential and maintain that weight without the use of AAS with proper diet? I started Test pretty close to where it's recommended here. Ain't mad about it.

Thanks for your interest.
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I respect your opinion totally. I could have waited.. and I'd probably be showing you pics of 210-220 instead of <200 but, since I had cycle in hand and my diet was dialed in.. I really couldn't resist. Too late to look back now huh?

I believe after we let my new weight settle in post cycle, and post PCT; I'll be cutting down. Without drugs.. maybe next bulk I'll see how far we can take it before implementing da juice! :)
I respect your opinion totally. I could have waited.. and I'd probably be showing you pics of 210-220 instead of <200 but, since I had cycle in hand and my diet was dialed in.. I really couldn't resist. Too late to look back now huh?

I believe after we let my new weight settle in post cycle, and post PCT; I'll be cutting down. Without drugs.. maybe next bulk I'll see how far we can take it before implementing da juice! :)

I fully agree. Just about everyone could have put on a few extra lbs natty before taking the plunge... the thing is, as humans we are an impatient species. I think as long as enough prior planning & research has been done, enough time training to ensure correct form & strengthened connective tissue & your diets dialed in.. your good to go. Plus your under 3J's guidance, you won't go wrong.

I wonder how many of us could really say they waited until they hit their genetic potential lol?
I fully agree. Just about everyone could have put on a few extra lbs natty before taking the plunge... the thing is, as humans we are an impatient species. I think as long as enough prior planning & research has been done, enough time training to ensure correct form & strengthened connective tissue & your diets dialed in.. your good to go. Plus your under 3J's guidance, you won't go wrong.

I wonder how many of us could really say they waited until they hit their genetic potential lol?

I was mid 40's before I knew my TT was <200. Never touched AAS until then. But then again I was never small. I remember crossing the 200 threshold in my early 20's, had to buy 34" waist jeans, cut to 190 riding a bicycle. I'll never see 200 again @ 5-09 until I get cancer.
I was mid 40's before I knew my TT was <200. Never touched AAS until then. But then again I was never small. I remember crossing the 200 threshold in my early 20's, had to buy 34" waist jeans, cut to 190 riding a bicycle. I'll never see 200 again @ 5-09 until I get cancer.

I absolutely respect your waiting.. although I suspect it was out of pure ignorance of the condition not choice. I would imagine if you had honestly known you had low T in your 20's, 30's (whenever it dropped or whenever you found out you were hypo) that you would have done something about it. This conversation is of course only about using AAS beyond physiological levels though so what I just said is irrelevant pertaining to your opinion on my situation.

So, after you found out in your 40's, when did you decide to blast and add in other things? How long did it take to find a doctor that would help you? And, what were you like before you found out? (Like did you just assume you were different than other guys, were you depressive, etc.?
Mostly I was getting tired just after mid day. I've always been muscular but really started getting more round after 40. Couldn't keep z decent hardon two nights in a row anymore, and I stayed sore after a workout for damn near a week.

After getting trt dose for six months or so, I began to wonder what more would feel like. Ive never done a "bulk" per se just really one big recomp.

Never really thought about juicing until finding out my test levels were in the toilet. I'm not naturally strong enough for a power lifter, my low back problems rule out deadlifts anyway. Barely put up 3 plates on the bench press a couple months ago. Strong yes, but not for a guy 245 lbs.
I fully agree. Just about everyone could have put on a few extra lbs natty before taking the plunge... the thing is, as humans we are an impatient species. I think as long as enough prior planning & research has been done, enough time training to ensure correct form & strengthened connective tissue & your diets dialed in.. your good to go. Plus your under 3J's guidance, you won't go wrong.

I wonder how many of us could really say they waited until they hit their genetic potential lol?

Right on man, this is how I felt about it. At the end of the day an individual will decide whether they're mature enough, or have progressed enough to take the next step. Everyone of course will have a different view on this, both sides being respectable in my opinion. I know the risks, I've done the research, I've been lifting and playing with my diet for years (just not as consistently as some would feel is needed).

At some points I'd follow things for a years time, 6 months, 3 months then I'd get into "life" issues and back off. I'd make good progress, hit goals.. blah blah blah, but then I would get hung up and prioritize more important things at the time. Doesn't mean I forget everything I've done and assume it was all a waste you know?

I'm glad you all appreciate my progress regardless of your opinion on when I started. This shit's awesome, it really is. I urge anyone who is thinking about doing it, and can honestly say to themselves that they are ready.. and I mean you got your diet down, lifting down, bodyfat down, researched a dick load, and have everything in hand, to do it! There's a reason taking them is a thing, cause they work. There's also a reason this site preaches bloodwork, PCT, age recommendation for AAS, and being at a certain health and fitness level before starting; they can destroy systems in your body and leave you hypo for life, of course among other things (high bp, low HDL, depression, lack of libido, etc.). Know the risks, and know how to do your best at lessening the negative sides of these drugs.

Anyway, thanks Prince. I appreciate your encouragement.
Mostly I was getting tired just after mid day. I've always been muscular but really started getting more round after 40. Couldn't keep z decent hardon two nights in a row anymore, and I stayed sore after a workout for damn near a week.

After getting trt dose for six months or so, I began to wonder what more would feel like. Ive never done a "bulk" per se just really one big recomp.

Never really thought about juicing until finding out my test levels were in the toilet. I'm not naturally strong enough for a power lifter, my low back problems rule out deadlifts anyway. Barely put up 3 plates on the bench press a couple months ago. Strong yes, but not for a guy 245 lbs.

I hate talking about how much weight I lift. It's so annoying when someone's like DAMN you're getting pretty big, how much you benching now?

I'm not the kind of person to not answer, but I'm not one to cut it short. I'm incredibly talky and analytic.. so I know the in's and out's of my plan and exactly what rep range I'm at on each exercise and how much I lift for each range.. When someone asks me that damn question I'm like.. well, sit down and I'll explain why I don't bench 405 1 time (not that I could lol) .. After I explain my program is built around quality of reps, low rest periods, and developing everything equally. They still don't usually care and see the "bigger" weight as the better way to grow. Some people you just can't explain hypertrophy to.. you can't reason with them that, to stay in this game long joint health is important, that I can break myself down with 75lb dumbbells on flat press 4 times and not have to do 100lbers sloppy and destroy my shoulders in the process just because I can lift that much..

And then of course I'm like.. besides, I don't get big because I lift a lot, I get big because I hit the muscles consistently, rest consistently, and keep myself well fed with whole-healthy foods. I'm rambling but, when it comes to not being strong.. I get it and luckily we don't need to be to meet goals and put on muscle. Just numbers.. unless you're willing to break your body to break records, who the hell cares? :D
Why is it you're asian in your original bathroom selfie before pic, but once you got all sexy you became angry red-eyed caucasian? I'm calling you out. Different person. Not even the same race.
Ha, I'm not really sure why I was a fat asian lmao Most Asians I know are skinny..

My GF was hanging with me when I was editing out my face and so I just drew some stupid ones on there to make her laugh lol