Mannnnn you didn't plan this at all did you xD. I will tell you what would do. I am NOT saying this is what you must do because I don't want to say something, then you do it, and end up fucked up haha. I take no responsibility.
Even with a pulled tooth you should go do something in the gym. I was back in the gym 5 days after having the side of my head sliced open in surgery haha. A little tooth pulling won't affect anything. I would stop taking those medications; just cause they are prescribed doesn't mean you have to take them. I was prescribed pain killers as well, but never ended up taking them. There's a fine line between being a bitch and taking vikes or oxys to escape a minor/moderate pain and actually having a serious pain where you're on the ground immobilized by it haha. If the pain is too much, here is a druggie technique you can do to remove the acetaminophen: How to Perform Cold Water Extraction: 10 Steps - wikiHow
^ This is because the acetaminophen is very liver toxic while the actual pain killer is not. What are the antibiotics for? If you end up taking all the meds, get Aegis/TUDCA/UDCA and take it religiously ASAP.
Blend your food and drink it... It will taste like ass but I've done it before when I have 0 appetite (4500 cals a day of clean food gets obnoxious sometimes). Throw in some carbs (rice, potato, oats, etc.), a meat (beef, chicken, etc.), and some oil (coconut or olive oil), and some water (or skim milk if you need more calories) and blend then chug haha.
You're in middle of a short 4 week cycle with no SERM. Check out, their Torem is g2g. Delivery is very quick, though I can't say how quick cause I think it's against the rules...
In short, what I'd do is: See if I can manage the pain and how necessary the medications are. If necessary do cold water extract on the vikes and get Aegis liver protection and finish the cycle as you have no SERM. During this, order a SERM (Torem) ASAP (next time have everything before you cycle, don't be stupid! This is why we see so many bad stories about PH/steroids), blend all your food and deal with the putrid taste and texture, and continue training as hard as you can (I hope you know your body well enough to gauge where your limitations are when in such a state).