Prolactin Levels


New member
Had blood work done and my prolactin came back at 18.3 on a scale of 4.0-15.2. Never had this checked before and to be honest, don't know what it is or what to do about it. Can anyone give me some input?

What's your cycle history, if any?

Also, you need to get on some pramipexole. It's good for lowering prolactin.

18 is really high for a guy. Do you have any gyno?

Also, as far as what prolactin is... It's the hormone that makes women lactate.
What's your cycle history, if any?

Also, you need to get on some pramipexole. It's good for lowering prolactin.

18 is really high for a guy. Do you have any gyno?

Also, as far as what prolactin is... It's the hormone that makes women lactate.

Yup +1 Again, this is why you should run pramipexole when using NPP/Tren/Deca. At least you got your bloodwork checked. I always recommend running Pramipexole as a preventive measure.
Yup +1 Again, this is why you should run pramipexole when using NPP/Tren/Deca. At least you got your bloodwork checked. I always recommend running Pramipexole as a preventive measure.

Humdiddly put me on to it. He suggested using B6 until I actually get my prami. Seems to be working well, and.. I mean.. how much does a bottle of b6 cost? $5? :D
Humdiddly put me on to it. He suggested using B6 until I actually get my prami. Seems to be working well, and.. I mean.. how much does a bottle of b6 cost? $5? :D

Pramipexole is the shit. It it much more effective for me than Cabaser or Dostinex. I can run Deca and Tren now with no sexual dysfunction when using Pramipexole whereas I has problems when using Cabaser/Dostinex. I'm a huge advocate for Pramipexole as you can tell :blue:

Have you ever used it in conjunction with Letrozole?

Yeah, almost always. I use Letro as my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and Pramipexole for Deca/NPP/Tren. I'm pretty much on Test/Deca most of the year and throw in a Test/Tren a couple times a year and Dbol here and there.
Damn. That sounds brutal.

I never come off. I used to cycle and lost too much of my gains, even with post cycle therapy (pct). I've decided I will stay on as long as I possibly can. I have an internal med doc who keeps an eye on me so I feel a little better about what I'm doing. I won't run Tren more than twice a year, even though I'd love to run it every day 365 days a year.
You've got a sweet advantage having a doc that can monitor you.

I envy you.
Pramipexole is the shit. It it much more effective for me than Cabaser or Dostinex. I can run Deca and Tren now with no sexual dysfunction when using Pramipexole whereas I has problems when using Cabaser/Dostinex. I'm a huge advocate for Pramipexole as you can tell :blue:

I agree... I prefer Prami out of the three Dopamine agonists.

Although they all work....prami seems to give you more pleasant psychological and sexual sides then caber or bromo.
I was on 400ml cyp and 400ml deca a week. I don't see any difference in my nips as far as gyno. They don't itch and they are not sore. I wish I would have had my prolactin checked before I ran the deca. I have a feeling that is what caused it.
I was on 400ml cyp and 400ml deca a week. I don't see any difference in my nips as far as gyno. They don't itch and they are not sore. I wish I would have had my prolactin checked before I ran the deca. I have a feeling that is what caused it.

Sounds like the deca did it. Did you use pct after that cycle? Are you having any side effects?

Prank should get your levels down. I would encourage you not to do another cycle until you get your prolactin down.
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I'm not on any cycles. I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), but upped the dose myself. I stopped everything to see if I could get insur. to pay for some of it, but I don't think that's gonna happen.
What about going back to my prescribed dose of 200ml cyp a week with adex?

I'm not on any cycles. I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), but upped the dose myself. I stopped everything to see if I could get insur. to pay for some of it, but I don't think that's gonna happen.
What about going back to my prescribed dose of 200ml cyp a week with adex?


Well, I think the best thing to do would be to talk to your doc about it. Adex is not going to have any effect on your prolactin, really. Was the deca part of your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) prescription?
Wow. That's cool.

Well, you can either talk to your doc or try running prank for a while and have bloodwork done again.
Thanks for all the info bro! I gotta get this fixed cause I feel like shit and my mind is going nuts on me and messing with my marriage. It really sucks feeling like this.
I hear ya, bro. Search out some of the posts on here for prami. You need to taper it up, but I'm Not sure of the protocol.