proviron is extremely effective at "drying" you out for a show... I am really suprised to hear you did not see results from it.. perhaps your dosages were not strong enough or other factors played a role, but Proviron is very effective if done correctly!
As per Nolvadex... it will work ONLY when your bodyfat is already VERY low; 10% or lower... and it suppresses estrogen so that the rest of the fat cells in laymens terms, "melt away"
HOWEVER!!! Major problem with Nolv is that estrogen REBOUNDS!!! So don't get too upset when Post show, you gain fat...
PLUS also on the downside, you are using 2 supplements that "dry" you out... not only fat, water etc, but your natural oils which affect your hair making it coarse, dry and brittle as well as your nails and skin; leather look... so keep that in mind... I highly suggest keeping your omegas high and consuming more fish then anything else...
hope this helps a bit and good luck!!
Luv super