PSL Comes thru as always! (porn)

Hell yea, PSL has been gtg since day one of my involvement. Two for two on orders. Batting a thousand.
I too jus recieved my 2nd psl order this week. Got some eq and test enanthate, shipping was prob 2 weeks, thats the whole process though from when i put the order in.
And so far psl has been gtg for me im about a month in and everything is good so far strength gains are coming in noticeably, not mhch vascularity yet but my bf is a lil higher than usual.
I too jus recieved my 2nd psl order this week. Got some eq and test enanthate, shipping was prob 2 weeks, thats the whole process though from when i put the order in.
Might want to edit that shipping time out. Keep a good source safe!
Looks great jozifp!!!

Can't get into shipping details guys... but it is fast!!!

Keep us updated on the cycle! :D
Masteron Propionate, Testosterone Propionate, Anavar. Smart cycling! Quality KEEPABLE gains, hardness, and little to no water retention.
got a bunch of EP gear tucked away I will use in spring for now its use up my omnadren for test, and have a little EP deca in there and now just started the EP Dbol.
Smooth gear thats for sure.