I like pudding
My second pack of grey tops has come through customs yay!!! After several requests I will be doing a log of my run with these grey tops. My first injection and the beginning of the log will start this Wed. I have run plenty of PSL gear and I am currently running a cruise dose of test e 200mg/wk, I will be running an 8 week blast (which will also be PSL gear) before heading to vegas for mr. olympia. Ill probably cut the test out and run a dbol and var cycle...just kidding had to have some fun. Ill be running 6iu/ed for 6 months (that is unless I manage to get my grubby little hands on more hahaha that was an evil laugh). I will be working with 3j for my diet on this run. I have been working with 3j for a while now and have definitely seen some progress aside from some speed bumps in the road: being hit by a drunk driver, deaths in the family and my own dumb ass not following direction haha. Ill be posting my stats when the log starts. This is my first log so any suggestions are welcome!
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