PSL Grey top 6 month run log.


I like pudding
My second pack of grey tops has come through customs yay!!! After several requests I will be doing a log of my run with these grey tops. My first injection and the beginning of the log will start this Wed. I have run plenty of PSL gear and I am currently running a cruise dose of test e 200mg/wk, I will be running an 8 week blast (which will also be PSL gear) before heading to vegas for mr. olympia. Ill probably cut the test out and run a dbol and var cycle...just kidding had to have some fun. Ill be running 6iu/ed for 6 months (that is unless I manage to get my grubby little hands on more hahaha that was an evil laugh). I will be working with 3j for my diet on this run. I have been working with 3j for a while now and have definitely seen some progress aside from some speed bumps in the road: being hit by a drunk driver, deaths in the family and my own dumb ass not following direction haha. Ill be posting my stats when the log starts. This is my first log so any suggestions are welcome!
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bro i have a question, r u on trt? i always get confused with people cruising an di never understood why ppl do it.
Just remember you won't see anything, the day that you hit 6 months exactly at midnight BAAAAM!!!!! HGH kicks in and you wake up shredded with 3D abs and crazy paper thin skin and look 10 years younger
No, I am purely on a cruise dose. Well I know some do it because of the price, not all insurance makes it affordable, others because they want to be able to freely adjust their dose without worrying about doc's asking for bloods, there are multiple reasons.
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5on/2off is just silly... you'd think this "web myth" of being effective would have gone away by now after a few years. It was only started by guys trying to save $ running hgh...

bottom line... if you're worried about saving coin on those 2 extra days per week, hgh is not for you... and hgh is most effective being ran every single day
5on/2off is just silly... you'd think this "web myth" of being effective would have gone away by now after a few years. It was only started by guys trying to save $ running hgh...

bottom line... if you're worried about saving coin on those 2 extra days per week, hgh is not for you... and hgh is most effective being ran every single day

I was about to ask why you're doing 5/2 ...china's got it covered though
several vets including bigben cosigned this method and while I understand the research is my responsibility, I tend to value what the vets in this site say, including you China. After seeing it was an effective protocol for them, I thought I'd listen, it isn't a money issue.
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If it isn't a money issue, I would suggest 7x/wk @ 10iu/d...dosing timing based on your goals (fat loss, hyperplasia, etc)

Lol I didn't say money wasn't an issue, I said the reason for choosing that method was not because of a money issue. No I can't afford 10iu/day, but I can afford to run 6ed.
I've never seen any studies or credible claims that you should do the 5 on 2 off.

The two reasons I've seen for this is... the financial relief of taking two days off
and the second being - some people say they take two days off so their natural
GH doesn't shut down... but, like I said - I haven't seen any studies to back this.

I'm sure you already know this (especially if you're working with 3J) but it's worth
mentioning for anyone who is new to GH...

GH should be injected subcutaneous which has a moderately higher level of
bioavailability... with subcutaneous being 75% and intramuscular being 63%.

Please keep us posted! :)
They were precisely the 2 reasons why I did the 5 on 2 off method (twice)

Firstly, over the longer duration - those 2 days off allowed me to be able to afford the cycle to run much longer.

And secondly, I read on numerous forums about taking the weekend off to allow my natural GH levels to replenish.
I was only 34 and 39 when I ran GH - and I considered this to be a young age to risk a 7 day protocol and potentially mess up my own GH levels long term.

It was simply a risk management decision, and in hindsight I'm glad I made it.

Cycling (whether AAS or GH) has it's risks - sensible cycling is all amount making damage limitation precautions along the way.

As my avatar shows (40th birthday) - I had a successful cycle, the AAS and GH I used worked well for me, I was happy with the results I achieved.

Therefore I can only make recommendations on cycles and protocols that I have used along the way in order to help others.

Could I have achieved even better results on a higher dose or a '7 days on' protocol - undoubtedly YES.

Would the risks and the costs have been higher - undoubtedly YES!

I merely made an informed decision based on dosages, cost, injection frequency and arrived at the one I ran - and I'd do it again.

Hope this clears things up...

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