Psychiatric patient, give me some advice please.

Never ever

New member
I hope you can help me. I'm psychiatric patient. My issue is low self-esteem. My confidence is OK but my self-esteem is low :( Seems odd, right? I always thought I can do that(confidence) but something blocks me(self-esteem) I didn't understand that. Now, I understand. I have low self-esteem.

What can I do? Please give me some advice. Thanks A LOT.
Run the following blood work.

Total Testosterone
Free Testosterone
Meta-bolic profile
Vitamin D
I know but it is very expensive. Which hormones should I look?

there is alot of free resorces online. even on youtube. yes alot of crap ones but some good ones . i dont remember off top of head but there are a bunch. might as well try some of them and listen. ofcourse with a person could be more helpful, but also can be crappy too. expensive also.
search terms like "cognative therapy for depression" for anxiety and so on . then check the person out that made vid/audio book just to see some reviews and if they have alot of exp or books on it.

like this one is for anxiety and simple. > Stop Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety, and more
there are others alot more indepth .
this isnt really coined as cognative thearapy but i like them> eckhart tolle , wayne dyer and also deepak chopra. their books/audio books/vids i find interesting.
Run the following blood work.

Total Testosterone
Free Testosterone
Meta-bolic profile
Vitamin D

and dnt miss the VitD, it can play a BIG role in mood.
I find winter pretty rough for me, even when taking extra vitd orally, but it does help.
Not hormones...not hormones at all. When you say "psychiatric patient" to me, as a professional, "low self-esteem" definitely does not register as a psychiatric disorder. Now if you were schizophrenic, then you would be a psychiatric patient...hopefully.

As a psychologist, I wouldn't bother getting your blood work done. If you were using AAS, then yes, it's a good idea. But that doesn't sound like the issue for you and psychological disorders cannot be found in your blood (if they could my job would be super easy!). You need to start assessing your life conditions that lead you to feel the way that you do. How are these "conditions" affecting your daily life? Beyond the way that you feel, how has your behavior changed since you started experiencing these feelings or thoughts? What exactly are these thoughts?
you should do something, that you can be proud of, like swim across the lake or something else, or make some mess in a bar))
Try an SNRI like Effexor. It acts differently than an SSRI. I take Effexor and it gives me the energy to get out and do the things that make me feel good about myself.