Puffiness Gyno - Best Quick Solution


New member
Gents, my gyno started flaring up and I'm getting the hard lumps and puffiness. It's really weird b/c I think I got it from taking HGH and Unleashed (the OTC SHBG reducer).

Anyway, what's the quickest solution to stop it from getting worse? Over the counter, etc. I started using Forma Stanazol 2 times a day. Not sure if it's helping.

I would also like to reverse it if possible, so want to order some AI's but have to wait a while for them to get to me.

Thanks for any help...
Start a SERM asap, and an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Discontinue the SERM once symptoms are gone.

If you're in a bind I heard nicotine works.
yep, surgery.. I got local.. but I suggest getting sedated.. It will probably put the doc more at ease and if you feel it, you won't flex and screw it up... anyway, that's my opinion..
hey bro...let me tell you something ..

i had lumpy chest just 3 days ago..not very serious gyno but just a little sign..wanted my chest to look tight.

i took 1/20th ( yes that about100 mcg) part of one 2.5 mg letrozol tab...and today my chest looks just fine....crazy shit... .

letro is amazing for gyno.....but it fucks with many thing in your body...it fucks with lipid too..be careful and use very little for short time

just take a little letro and see....its a best gyno killer IMO...wickdly strong..try it..only low dose every 2-3 days and say bbye to gyno...very fast acting drug..and very very strong