putting 2gether a cycle using dbol/ eq


New member
im 31yrs 12%bf 209lbs 2yrs lifting. i got my hands on 200 tabs dbol 1 bottle 50ml eq.
what else do i need 2 put this thing 2 work.
welcome bro , your gonna need clomid or nolvadex for post cycle recovery , you would be better off with 400 mg of test cyp or eth for 10-12 weeks , but if you insist on dbol/eq go with 20-30 mg of dbol a day for 4-5 weeks and 350-500 mg of eq a week for 12 weeks , which means you need more eq
joefish said:
........ it's a 50ml bottle

Yes, you already stated that. What I need to know is the concentration, ie; how many mg's of EQ are there in a ml of oil. (mg/ml)

an example; could be 50 mg/ml or 200 mg/ml..........
20-30mg aday is that 7 days a week no days off? sorry if this question sounds stupid . i just want to get it right
joefish said:
50mg per ml

Do yourself a favor and get some Eq that is 200 mg/ml.

EQ needs to be done at a minimium of 400 mg/week, with that 50 mg/ml stuff, you are going to need 8 mls a weeks & that's a lot of oil and different injection sites.

What I would do if I was you, is pick up some Test Enanthate or Cypionate and do 400 mg/week for 8-10 weeks. That's it !!

Save the D-bol for another cycle & see if you can't get rid of that EQ somewhere.
One more thing, IMHO you have a lot of research to do before you embark on this adventure.

Start researching anti-e's, clomid & nolvadex for starters.