Quality Vet Enanthate 50mL jugs

The 50ml. bottles are a bit more painful, but if you mix it with EQ it will help with the pain. The QV Enan. is good stuff, I have had very good results using it.
see I just dont understand how they could be more painful than 10mL bottles if it is the same product going inside the vials.
i had lot 004 of the 50ml and it was the most painful shit ive ever had. I will never ever use it again. There were times where i limped for 4 days straight, and im no pussy. from now on human grade for me. lol
at a price of $130 per 50ml, or $2.6 per mL, you cant beat it. cheapest human grade I can find is sustanon and primoteston for $5 per mL.
has anyone tried t400 by denkall, if so are the pains similar to qv enanthate, and if so which of the two were more painfull
tyhigs said:
see I just dont understand how they could be more painful than 10mL bottles if it is the same product going inside the vials.
They put more BA in them

I got test flu pretty bad from the 50ml bottle at about week 5, and the QV does not hurt nearly as bad as the T-400.:40oz:
I wouldn't use QV Enanthate even if I got it for free, that's how crappy it made me feel -- and I was using the 10ml vials. If the 50ml jugs are even worse, then good luck.