Question about different lab ranges...


New member
I just got my recent Labs back after 5 weeks back on TRT. (I have been on and off TRT for the past 3 years and I am a lifelong candidate after failed restarts)

I am currently taking 100 mg every 3.5 days, Anastrozole 1mg per week (split into 4 doses on shot day and the day after) HCG 300 mcg 2x a week the day before my shot.

This Lab was taken at my through. (3.5 days after shot)

Everything on my labs looks good. My question is about the different lab ranges. My current lab came back at..

909 Total testosterone 300-890 range ng/dL

218.1 Testosterone Free 47-244 range pg/mL

My question is this. Is my 909 total the same number if the lab used a different range? 280-1200 range for example. Or is the number calculated and factored differently with different ranges? Or is 909 always 909 whatever the range?

2nd question. How does my Free look? I am still learning what this means compared to TT.

Thank You in Advance!!
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For all intents and purposes, 909ng/dl is always 909ng/dl. They can be some variations depending on the type of analysis equipment used & calibrations etc... but it's pretty much insignificant. The reference range comes from that particular labs data I believe. They will collect data from however many people and base their range on that. Another lab might have collected slightly different data, which is why some labs will go up to 1000 as the top end of the range, etc.

Hope this helps :)
Bump for the second question I added in an edit about my Free T...

Free T looks great. Free T is what some people call the "important" value.. you can high normal levels of TT but if free T is low you can still feel like shit.

Free T is basically whats left over after Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHGB) and Albumin binds to the testosterone in your blood. It's called free T because it's floating around as a fully biologically active hormone.

So your numbers look great. But most importantly, how do you feel?
For all intents and purposes, 909ng/dl is always 909ng/dl. They can be some variations depending on the type of analysis equipment used & calibrations etc... but it's pretty much insignificant. The reference range comes from that particular labs data I believe. They will collect data from however many people and base their range on that. Another lab might have collected slightly different data, which is why some labs will go up to 1000 as the top end of the range, etc.

Hope this helps :)

Prince is on fire today!
Prince, I feel Great! My mind is clear and way less "brain fog". I am always motivated to push through any intense workout. My only complaint is some joint soreness. (Years of over training).

Adding the HCG I believe is a new found key in getting myself "dialed in". This is the first time I have used Hcg during my TRT... (In the past I only used it during restart attempts)

Thanks Again!!
Prince, I feel Great! My mind is clear and way less "brain fog". I am always motivated to push through any intense workout. My only complaint is some joint soreness. (Years of over training).

Adding the HCG I believe is a new found key in getting myself "dialed in". This is the first time I have used Hcg during my TRT... (In the past I only used it during restart attempts)

Thanks Again!!

Awesome, how you feel is key really. Numbers are on thing...

Have you considered adding in 200-250mg Nandrolone Decaonate to your TRT protocol? I'll be including it in mine, it's great for both joints & connective tissue. Could give you some serious relief. Just be sure to keep an eye on e2, as both hCG and Deca can raise it a bit.
Awesome, how you feel is key really. Numbers are on thing...

Have you considered adding in 200-250mg Nandrolone Decaonate to your TRT protocol? I'll be including it in mine, it's great for both joints & connective tissue. Could give you some serious relief. Just be sure to keep an eye on e2, as both hCG and Deca can raise it a bit.

Prince, LOL. You read my mind and plan.. I am about to add 200 mg of Deca weekly!! I hope this is the last piece of the puzzle to feeling "really great"!

I will watch e2 and make sure it's managed properly.
Prince, LOL. You read my mind and plan.. I am about to add 200 mg of Deca weekly!! I hope this is the last piece of the puzzle to feeling "really great"!

I will watch e2 and make sure it's managed properly.

It's what I do ;) Haha awesome brother, best of luck to you!