Question about going on vacation


Stopping Winny while on vacation good idea

Guys I in need of help. I’m going on vacation for 7 days. I won’t probably workout. I’m on Winny 50mg a day with test ect
Is it ok if I don’t take the Winny for a week then come back and start again? Or keep taking it
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Winstrol oral has about 9 hours half life while injectable has about 24 hours.

So it's totally fine to skip winny for a week and jump back on it. I see zero issues with it.
Far as your test/deca/eq, I would do a full weekly dose the morning i'm leaving for vacation.
Then just continue like usual when you get home with 2x weekly injections.
You would probably want to smuggle some AI though bro. Just 1-3 pills, hide them in an aspirin bottle or whatever, easy piecey.
You would probably want to smuggle some AI though bro. Just 1-3 pills, hide them in an aspirin bottle or whatever, easy piecey.
100% agreed. if i'm flying anywhere i can't take my test bottle (prescription) i always bring extra AI. temporarily high estrogen is worse than temporarily low test. especially with me... high e really fucks with me.
100% agreed. if i'm flying anywhere i can't take my test bottle (prescription) i always bring extra AI. temporarily high estrogen is worse than temporarily low test. especially with me... high e really fucks with me.

Couldn't agree more, he'll barley feel the drop in testo levels, specially doing a full week before leaving but he'll definitely notice a week without AI, even worse if he's running adex and get rebound effect.
Winstrol oral has about 9 hours half life while injectable has about 24 hours.

So it's totally fine to skip winny for a week and jump back on it. I see zero issues with it.
Far as your test/deca/eq, I would do a full weekly dose the morning i'm leaving for vacation.
Then just continue like usual when you get home with 2x weekly injections.

Or just type your question into Google and you will know ahead of time what Santa is going to say. Lol. Odds are you have had much more success with bodybuilding than he has.....look at his pics. Ya dont ask a skinny cook how to make a meal right? Lol
Dear santa.....start sharing your pathetic personal experiences so that we can learn from them or just remain silent. We dont need to hear you repeating what Google says.....we need personal experience
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Or just type your question into Google and you will know ahead of time what Santa is going to say. Lol. Odds are you have had much more success with bodybuilding than he has.....look at his pics. Ya dont ask a skinny cook how to make a meal right? Lol
Dear santa.....start sharing your pathetic personal experiences so that we can learn from them or just remain silent. We dont need to hear you repeating what Google says.....we need personal experience

I find that hilarious as the reason I'm making six figures is literally because I know how to google lol.
And its not shocking you don't know this difference...but its one thing to read something and its another to understand what you're actually reading and convey that knowledge further.

We're still waiting for your pictures though mr doughboy...or do you need a few months to lose some water first?
I find that hilarious as the reason I'm making six figures is literally because I know how to google lol.
And its not shocking you don't know this difference...but its one thing to read something and its another to understand what you're actually reading and convey that knowledge further.

We're still waiting for your pictures though mr doughboy...or do you need a few months to lose some water first?

Wakeup mr skinnyfat.....EVERYONE makes six figures these days. I havent made less than that in 2 decades. But nice try flexing your income like anyone would be impressed. Just like no one is impressed with your physique. Lol

Keep the bullshit advice coming Santa. Eventually everyone on this site will see through your ignorant cruelty. Internet bullies are the best.....they can look just like you and talk shit to guys like me cuz I cant reach through the computer and teach you some manners. Guys like me have been pounding lil boys like you for years.....for running your mouth like you do. Now you get to fight back. Fight away lil chubby. All 165 pounds of you

The man who started this thread has twice the muscle mass you do. He doesnt need you to tell him what Google said but I guess that's all you got. Cant tell him how you got so big when you cant even be noticed in his shadow
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This is a pic of me yesterday after a brutal chest day, my wife keeps messing with me and says I need to shave my back.she does not know what she is talking about, maybe my beard could use a trim
Most people shed from DHTS Im on three different DHTS at the moment and I think Im starting to grow a little more hair than I had before but no more than any other normal person. :smokepoke

View attachment 567765

I find that hilarious as the reason I'm making six figures is literally because I know how to google lol.
And its not shocking you don't know this difference...but its one thing to read something and its another to understand what you're actually reading and convey that knowledge further.

We're still waiting for your pictures though mr doughboy...or do you need a few months to lose some water first?
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Where is his pic?

I wish I made six figures, I made ninety grand for a few years until the crash in 07-08. I could make six figures now for sure if I moved back where Im from but I sacrificed good money to move where it***8217;s peaceful and a small population. I make good money for where I live and the cost of living is less than half compared to the city.

Much props to you bro for making that kind of cheddar :rockband:

Wakeup mr skinnyfat.....EVERYONE makes six figures these days. I havent made less than that in 2 decades. But nice try flexing your income like anyone would be impressed. Just like no one is impressed with your physique. Lol

Keep the bullshit advice coming Santa. Eventually everyone on this site will see through your ignorant cruelty. Internet bullies are the best.....they can look just like you and talk shit to guys like me cuz I cant reach through the computer and teach you some manners. Guys like me have been pounding lil boys like you for years.....for running your mouth like you do. Now you get to fight back. Fight away lil chubby. All 165 pounds of you

The man who started this thread has twice the muscle mass you do. He doesnt need you to tell him what Google said but I guess that's all you got. Cant tell him how you got so big when you cant even be noticed in his shadow
If your winny is oral you could do what Ive done in the past. I would take my milk thistle bottle of capsules and open one up and crush my orals up and I put the daily dose I was using in each capsule. then put as much milk thistle as could fit then put it back together. Then I took a fine tip sharpie and put a dot on each end of the pills that had the gear in them. You could also do that with your AI. It***8217;s just food for thought,
Where is his pic?

I wish I made six figures, I made ninety grand for a few years until the crash in 07-08. I could make six figures now for sure if I moved back where Im from but I sacrificed good money to move where it***8217;s peaceful and a small population. I make good money for where I live and the cost of living is less than half compared to the city.

Much props to you bro for making that kind of cheddar :rockband:

That cat makes me laugh. I find that now any time I read his bullshit I either laugh my ass off or I get pissed off. Lol

Hes a dick. I guess i need to avoid threads he posts on if i dont want to get banned. His stupid ass is always gonna puff up on people and piss me off.....then I am gonna put his tiny ass back in his place. He will surely cry to an admin soon and have me booted off of here. Lol
Guys I in need of help. I***8217;m going on vacation for 7 days. I won***8217;t probably workout. I***8217;m on Winny 50mg a day with test ect
Is it ok if I don***8217;t take the Winny for a week then come back and start again? Or keep taking it[/QUOTE it's totally fine to skip winny for a week and jump back on it. I do not see zero issues with it.
Wakeup mr skinnyfat.....EVERYONE makes six figures these days. I havent made less than that in 2 decades. But nice try flexing your income like anyone would be impressed. Just like no one is impressed with your physique. Lol

Keep the bullshit advice coming Santa. Eventually everyone on this site will see through your ignorant cruelty. Internet bullies are the best.....they can look just like you and talk shit to guys like me cuz I cant reach through the computer and teach you some manners. Guys like me have been pounding lil boys like you for years.....for running your mouth like you do. Now you get to fight back. Fight away lil chubby. All 165 pounds of you

The man who started this thread has twice the muscle mass you do. He doesnt need you to tell him what Google said but I guess that's all you got. Cant tell him how you got so big when you cant even be noticed in his shadow

Everyone makes 6 figures now a days? Sure, sure they do. I'm sure I payed more in taxes last year than you made the whole year lol...
Anyhow, what does it matter? Your last strawman is trying to go after my looks but you're to much of a bitch to post your own pictures... EVERYONE is silently laughing and shaking their head at you for being such a pathetic bitch.

And do I need to really bring up all the reputation and times you've praised me lol?
What bullshit advice? Show me.... Guessing i'll have to wait like everything else you can't back up lol.
I'm suspecting you're a pathological liar bro, seek help.

Obviously the dude doesn't have enough knowledge or brains to do that simply task himself so whats your beef here? Ohh thats right, you're just a jealous bitch lol.
All of this is ignoring this is how I further my knowledge base, by helping others and my advice was spot on... What was your contribution here? Ohh yeh, that's right...nothing as usual.
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Where is his pic?

You'll find regular updates throughout my second (real first cycle) in the "log my cycle forum part", the thread is something like test/tren/mast. Diet by 3J.
Also think i've posted some in the one in this subforum, eq/anavar/test/smt thread.
Even think you'll find a picture before I did any gear at all, if you wanna see someone skinny lol ;)

I'm super happy with my progress so couldn't care less but I do think its so fucking funny other people can be such insecure bitches they shit on someone else appearance without having the balls to show how they look themselves... All beef aside, wouldn't even you agree? :)
You'll find regular updates throughout my second (real first cycle) in the "log my cycle forum part", the thread is something like test/tren/mast. Diet by 3J.
Also think i've posted some in the one in this subforum, eq/anavar/test/smt thread.
Even think you'll find a picture before I did any gear at all, if you wanna see someone skinny lol ;)

I'm super happy with my progress so couldn't care less but I do think its so fucking funny other people can be such insecure bitches they shit on someone else appearance without having the balls to show how they look themselves... All beef aside, wouldn't even you agree? :)

"Even you agree"? You're such a prick all the time bro. You cant help it.

And maybe people are silently laughing at me for some reason but they are vocally laughing at you. My inbox has to be emptied frequently. Lol

And yes.....every single person in the company I work for makes six figures. As I said.....I havent made less than that in 20 years. And what does it matter? I dont brought it up dipshit. Not one person I work with or one person I graduated with makes less than 6 figures. First 5 years out of college maybe.

Anyway.....keep talking shit. I gave you every opportunity to chill out and be cool and you refused. Go on believing that I worship you Santa . I know that makes your dick hard. But the truth have angered beyond the point that I can stand. Face to face this whole thing wouldve been very different. Not just because you are small and I am not....but because you are soft and weak. Your words wouldve been different in person and we could've been cool.
Every till I cool off I read some more stupid shit you wrote and I get pissed again. I'm sure my distaste for everything you stand for will eventually get me banned.....but until then I will respond the same any time I see you talking shit. So just shut the fuck up with the bullshit and be nice to people. OP doesnt need your help lil fella
If OPs avi is him then he can learn nothing from you. All the gear you claim to have run and you are less than half his size. Its actually funny. Turns out ya gotta eat and workout with all that gear unless you want to look like you
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What did my post have anything to do with how much money we make or what we look like? That guy looks bad posting like that. He should post his pic