Question concerning hgh @ aproximately 3-4 iu/day


I am banned!
I'm considering doing a run with hgh for at least 4 months using about 3-4 iu/day.

Given all the positive things it's supposed to do, how long after one was to stop treatment do the positive effects go back to how it was before treatment?
Sorry, if I'm confusing. Can you tell you've even used hgh 4 months after you stop?
Any theories??? I was just wondering if it's like starting trt. Once you start, you have to continue in order to see the benefits.
I realize to build for bodybuilding purposes doses can exceed 5 iu per day, and less would be considered basically just healthy benefits. Do you think 2iu eod would be a total waste?? Maybe I'm going through mid life crisis as I'm easing up on 50 real quick
exogenous hgh is different then exogenous test cyp (on a trt dose).. the hgh is "instant", i.e., when you inject 4 iu a day then you have 4 iu a day working for you,, where as test cyp takes awhile to absorb and levels to build up over time.
funny thing is, even though exogenous HGH begins to work for you from day one, you don't really 'feel' much,, where as after a few weeks and the test starts kicking in , you 'feel' it, just think as guys, and testosterone being tied to libido etc., testosterone is just much much more powerful and noticeable to us, where as HGH just works in the back ground.

HGH , from my experience won't give you much of anything to notice (its not like when a cycle kicks in),, I noticed that sleeping 10 hours a day became easy.

IMO, its a 'synergistic' compound and best to be ran for bodybuilding purposes along with other compounds for better results,, example, running it with test, and insulin together can yield some pretty solid growth gains,, but running hgh at 3iu a day for say 6 months by itself, will not be that visibly noticeable, though there are results (just nothing drastic like being on a cycle of anabolics)
My query was more in the line with sustainable results after hgh therapy is stopped. As in, will a few iu's/day help me feel less old. I'm having issues with maintaining my workouts while doing a somewhat physically demanding job. I work 10 hrs and spend another 2 hrs driving each day 6 dYs/wk . I don't worry too much about few wrinkles around my eyes and my hair starting to gray, I just want more energy etc
My query was more in the line with sustainable results after hgh therapy is stopped. As in, will a few iu's/day help me feel less old. I'm having issues with maintaining my workouts while doing a somewhat physically demanding job. I work 10 hrs and spend another 2 hrs driving each day 6 dYs/wk . I don't worry too much about few wrinkles around my eyes and my hair starting to gray, I just want more energy etc

I hear you brother, same here, the good thing is that I love my job so it makes it easier, I can deal with graying hairs but when it starts to fall its another story, lol.