QUESTION for you experts?????????


okay, if it takes eq 6 wks to get in your system and be working.
would it be better to run 600mg straight through for 12 wks or
run 400mg for6 wks then 600mg for the last 6 wks to
to get it in your system then bump it up.
First off, it doesnt take 6 weeks to get in your is actually in ur system the day u inject it. It takes a while, yes, for the levels of eq to peak as high as they are going to be with a cycle. Some ways to speed that up are frontloading and just running eq at a higher dose. 600 mgs for 12 weeks will give you better gains (obviously) because you're taking more total mgs than 400 for 6 then 600 for 6. So out of what you suggested go with the first one...btw if you were to do somethin like the second one you would use 600 the first 6 weeks to get the eq levels in your system up faster (than 400 mgs would give you) then drop to 400 mgs (not the other way around). That is a frontload althought its kinda extended...
With Eq, I would go 1200mg wks 1-3, 600mg wks 4 - whatever

Test I usually only FL for 2wks, but EQ and Deca are even slower to show signs since they are also milder. You should notice things before 6wks though, maybe around 4.
It does not take 6 weeks to get into your system, it actually takes about 3 weeks for you to start feeling and seeing the effects. It would be alot more beneficial to run a consistent amount all the way through if you are going to do a long cycle. If you are going to run an 8 or 12 week cycle I would go with 400-500/week.
Yeah it all depends on you takes my like 4-5 weeks to really feel it. But I would keep it constant through out your cycle. 12 weeks would be good, I wish I would have ran for 12
I gain the most weight in the first 3 weeks of my cycles!

EQ goes active the moment it enters the blood stream!!

600mgs for 12 weeks will be killer!

would 600mg of eq for 12 wks by itself be killer,
maybe 250mg test to but i want more effect from the eq
ive done 400mg in the past
Id say you could expect to gain the same amount of muscle mass using 600 mgs as you would with 200 mgs of test but without the fat or extra water and they would be easier to keep. What results are you lookin for imparticular for the eq? Eq is just a variation of was altered to make it safer which in turn decreased the gains...just a thought...
400 mgs of test with 600 mgs of eq and an anti-aromatase should give you those 15 lbs of quality muscle you're lookin for...

You're going to wanna keep the water down in order to keep a hard look (anti-aromatase)...dropping your body fat some will help vascularity also (dont treat the cycle as a bulker)....
At 600mgs./week for 12 weeks you will definitely gain your 15lbs. and more. The good thing is that the muscle you will gain will be soild quality muscle. You will have the hard vascular look providing you keep a good diet, that is very important. Good Luck Bro!
BUFFDAWG10 said:
It does not take 6 weeks to get into your system, it actually takes about 3 weeks for you to start feeling and seeing the effects. It would be alot more beneficial to run a consistent amount all the way through if you are going to do a long cycle. If you are going to run an 8 or 12 week cycle I would go with 400-500/week.

Good answer! ;)