QUICK, Test E seems to be falling out of solution!!!


New member
I made if several days ago and let it sit before filtering. Here's the recipe I used:

Test E @ 250mg/ml (400ml total):
BA: 2% = 8ml
BB: 20% = 80ml
Oil: = 227ml

I fell short on the oil a little ... but only by maybe 7ml. I dont think this is the problem. Anyone have any ideas whats going on here. i made my Deca the same way and its holding just fine. I also didnt cook it that long, but you shouldnt if you have good solvents right?

What should I do to save this batch. Again, the fall out is very minor. I'm thinking of adding more of either the BA, BB, or Oil. I also have super solvent on hand.

Looking for a quick fix before i filter tomorrow and bottle up.
PS: i noticed, with a little swril, the fine particles easily went back into solution. i assume its not a big deal, but i cant have this happen once i bottle them up. So I'm thinking I just need to add a little more solvent. Would I be right in thinking this?

do you know what it looks like when stuff crashes? There will be crystals, like rock candy, on the bottom of your vial or spider webbed throughout the glass. Don't sweat the particles in the stuff. If you really wanna you can reheat it again. Shove a 25g in the stopper and heat it up on the stove top occasionally swirling. Any unmelted hormone should melt/dissolve at that point. Then let it sit and cool. After you filter it all that shit will be gone anyways. Your stuff isnt crashing its just unfiltered.
A-10 said:
do you know what it looks like when stuff crashes? There will be crystals, like rock candy, on the bottom of your vial or spider webbed throughout the glass. Don't sweat the particles in the stuff. If you really wanna you can reheat it again. Shove a 25g in the stopper and heat it up on the stove top occasionally swirling. Any unmelted hormone should melt/dissolve at that point. Then let it sit and cool. After you filter it all that shit will be gone anyways. Your stuff isnt crashing its just unfiltered.
Ya bro ... I know whata crash looks like. i didnt assume this was a crash, I just wasnt sure what the particals were. As i mentioned, i didnt heat it much after mixing up the batch. I appreciate your response though. I'll reheat and go ahead with the filtering.

Deep South Chris said:
reheat, id say you took it off the heat to soon the initial time.
Your exactly right ... I was thinking back today about that specific brew and I remember thinking about some of Dougs words while I was cooking. Something to the effect of "if you have good solvents heat isn't needed." With that I remember taking it off the burner. I didn't plan to bottle it for several days so I figured it would dissolve during the wait. Turns out it just did not entirely dissolve. I reheated today and filtered with no troubles.

What gave me trouble today was the WNY, but thats a whole other story. I'm planning my next attack as we speak. I'll put another 10g up on the table. If all else fells, that shish is getting capped!! :)

cheezy said:
Maybe its not test e. It should not fall out of solution at 250mg/ml, especially at 20%BB.
I'm wondering the same thing. Test cyp often gets sent instead of test enan.