ran out of money for pct 1year on balls still small like grapes

Okay guys im just going to come out with it, no beating round da bush!

Took test e 500 mg a week about a year and a half ago for about 4-5 weeks then weeks 5+ i was taking 1000mg on and off for about 20 weeks in total(start to finish). Ran in to some trouble with da feds had to sell my business, got broke, was on da dole, no money,no car,no job, ended up doing community pay back, got depressed ect but still tried lifting but just couldnt focus life was everywhere ect so really ended up messing up my cycle.

Anyway I read my test levels will come back to normal ect but my balls have shrunk since week 3 of taking test e. meaning my balls have been like grapes for like over a year! My balls used to be massive my wife said they used to be a "handful" lol but now im seriously concerned. What do i do? Can pct still get my balls back?

Need help pls!
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look on the bright side bro,, now she can fit both of your balls in her mouth at the same time.
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Ok, first you need to run HCG. You need at least 3 shots of 1500iu. Don't worry to much about the "proper protocols" hopefully you will respond quickly. Do a 1500 shot once every 5-6 days. That should bring your fellas back to size. Will most likely feel like you have been kicked in the bollocks. A week after your last hcg shot start on clomid.... 50 mg a day for a week, then finish off with 20mg a day until finished.

You don't need to run the PCT that comes with the end of a course because you have left it too long. There should be no esters waiting to clear your system. This is a kickstart to normal production.
I would leave of the gear until you know exactly what you need to do. Even the course was poorly planned at best
Also..... Get bloods an about 3 months time to gauge where your test level is at. Don't want to be a dick but the damage my have already been done. Some guys just don't recover even after a small amount
Never run a cycle until you have everything on hand. I don't mean to sound like a dick but really bro ? You couldn't afford pct ! In my opinion if things are that tight you have no business running a cycle !
For being off for so long I'd run it this way if u can get the stuff now:

1-16 Days: 2500IU HCG EOD (Single Shot)
1-45 Days: 20mg Nolva ED (Single Dose)
1-45 Days: 100mg Clomid ED (Split 50,50 twice a day, 12 hours apart)

Extra information:
~500iu HCG a day was not enough to make the testicles do their job, need 2500IU to reset.
~Even if B.C w/ 500IU HCG yearly, still need to Blast HCG protocol
~After 16 Days, Blood test for Test, if 400+, then drop HCG and Finish Rest
~If HCG protocol does not fire up balls and produce 400+, then redo the 16 weeks of HCG. (Sometimes it takes 2-3 tries)
~Clomid Must ALWAYS be taken with Nolva.
~Do Not take Asprin when running HCG.
~Desensitization to HCG took around 2 months, 2500IU is Okay

PS: This particular protocol is often used for B.Cers that been on for a very long time. It has a high success rate for recovery.
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I was gonna crush you for lack of preparedness but I think u got the point.

On the bright side, there s always s a bright side-
Small numb nut s are one less area u need to protect in a brawl
Ur dick will look bigger

Big balls are like big tit s in comparison to A/C in a Ferrari. Nice to have but it does not go faster or corner better.

U fucked up .

Hopefully you can un fuck yourself....best of luck, really.
I was gonna crush you for lack of preparedness but I think u got the point.

On the bright side, there s always s a bright side-
Small numb nut s are one less area u need to protect in a brawl
Ur dick will look bigger

Big balls are like big tit s in comparison to A/C in a Ferrari. Nice to have but it does not go faster or corner better.

U fucked up .

Hopefully you can un fuck yourself....best of luck, really.

lol Great point T. Proportionally that does make one's dick look larger. My gf never complains about my small balls. On trt for 8 years, its cosmetics anyway.
I was gonna crush you for lack of preparedness but I think u got the point.

On the bright side, there s always s a bright side-
Small numb nut s are one less area u need to protect in a brawl
Ur dick will look bigger

Big balls are like big tit s in comparison to A/C in a Ferrari. Nice to have but it does not go faster or corner better.

U fucked up .

Hopefully you can un fuck yourself....best of luck, really.
Lol !!! Makes your dick look bigger lol lol. Now that's funny shit ! You are a glass half full kind of guy my friend lol