REALGAINS! 70'S Era BB Drug use revisited.

Cool thread! theres a hazy nostaliga surrounding the old school users, with certain people posting over and over again about how much smarter they were with their low low doses and how much harder they must have trained and eaten than todays bodybuilders.

The post on Mentzers use seems about right, I can understand why Arnie and co would claim to be using half a d-bol a day because hell, it's human nature to downplay drug use but at least some guys have the balls to post the truth.
Viator is full of it on this one, Mike told me himself that he terminated training with Casey as a partner, because when they were training together "that I was doing a set of Incline presses on the Universal with Casey spotting and he eyes were rolling back in his head, I said to Casey, this is IMPORTANT to me". Mike admitted using Deca to me and Dianbbol- IN the higher end of PRESCRIBED THERAPEUTIC doses. ie the 400 mg of Deca, 30 mg of dianabol stated above. Very hard training (MUCH harder and more effective than most pros do today) and great genetics made Mentzer huge, not just steroids.
I say we torture the information out of them. Now, who's going to kidnap one of them bastards!