Really need some help here...PICS (cut/bulk?)


New member
Hey guys, 5'11 205-210 lbs, really need some opinions/advice here. :ugh:

1. I'm not sure whether I should bulk or cut, because I'm not really that big, but I'm also kinda fat (But it IS bulk season)
2. My shoulders/traps are shit, even though I do them and deadlift heavy every week, what are the best exercises to pop out my delt's/traps?
3. I do cardio 30 mins/ 3 days a wk, but I'm also trying to gain LEAN mass and the fat's not really going anywhere. This is where the calorie intake confuse me. Should I just try to eat a little cleaner maybe? I guess you could say I'm "somewhat" dirty bulking, but it's just to try to put on some quick mass.
4. Can I get a bf% estimate?

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Right now I've been back in the gym for a few months after stopping for around a year. (Long story). My diet wasn't much different but I was alot leaner last year at the same weight.
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Not sure why I look much worse, I am on a 5 day split also. Wouldn't mind jumping back on some gear after I finish up this Letrozole (got a lil gyno out of nowhere, prob from the ganj, :smokepoke), not sure where to ask/find though. Anyway, any diet/routine advice would be greatly appreciated! Just wanna put on some more size/look more proportional/shed some fat.
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Mon- Chest, Flat, Incline, Decline then fly
's and laying DB extension. I can do 225 flat x5, used to be stronger.

Tues-Arms, cable's, curls, skullcrushers, close grip press, seated db tricep extentions.. etc.

Weds-Back. 4 Sets of deads (Maxing 315x6 or so) 3-4 sets of pullup's, rows, lat pulldown

Thurs, off.

Fri, Lets. Basically 4 sets squats, calf raises, and machines. And I try to do shoulders on this day also. Just doing presses, machines, tried BB shrugs going to try DB shrugs again.

Sat- Usually just a bit of everything upper body.

Go back to whatever you were doing 1 year ago.

Also, if you have a lagging bodypart, make it a priority and give it it's own day. Doing shoulders after squats will hurt shoulder growth because you do tax your shoulders during squats. If anything do shoulders first, but I would combine Chest/Tricep and Back/Bicep and have shoulder/trap day if they are lagging. Or just do shoulders on saturday.

I might get flamed for this but I also think you are doing a steroid split when you're natural. You need more rest, try a three day a week push pull legs with rest days after each workout so you can grow. Chest arms back is a lot 3 days in a row if you are really killing it in the gym.

BF estimate 20%.