Redness/Soreness at Injection Site


New member
So I've been on a test e / masteron cycle for 3.5 weeks now and seem to be having some sort of weird reaction with my first left delt injection.

I used 1/2 CC of test e and ever since it's been a little red -- almost like a light sunburn -- and sore, with a lump around the injection site. The redness has gone from my medial delt to about halfway down my bi/tri area, but only on one half of my arm, like the oil is dispersing or draining down. It hasn't spread at all to my front or back delt, chest, or back. The injection was five days ago. It feels better than it did yesterday -- soreness is almost gone although I can feel the lump depending on what I do with my arm. And it's also a little less red I think.

Outside of the lessening soreness/redness, the reason why I believe it's not an infection is that I've never had a fever and feel great overall, it was the first time I've ever pinned my left delt ("virgin muscle" concept), and the test e is concentrated at 500 mg/ml in ethyl oleate. It could just be the hormone crashing out of the solution, or maybe just irritation from the ethyl oleate for some reason.

On the other hand, I've pinned the glutes and quads with no redness and soreness that never lasted more than a few days. Is it because the delt can handle less oil? It was only 1/2 CC, though. I didn't have any type of allergic in the other injection sites.

Any ideas on what could be up? Anyone ever had similar experiences?

I'll update how I feel tomorrow. It felt better today, so hopefully it feels even better tomorrow.
Sounds like allergic reaction to the oil. You were getting same rash in other injection sites right?
The other injection sites (glutes, quads) were fine. Some soreness, but no light redness to the muscle like I have now (even and uniform redness, like a mild sunburn).

Also, I should note that I'm using UGL gear and 27g 1.25" pins. It takes a little over a minute to inject 1 CC. For the delt shot, I only went about 3/4" into the muscle since for some reason it didn't feel all that comfortable going in all the way. The lump I have is really small. It seems like the small amount of oil I injected (1/2 CC) might be sitting in the subcutaneous layer or something. It's weird, though, since I'm about 8% BF and don't have any fat at all on my shoulders. So it's not like I wasn't hitting the muscle.
Happens to me sometimes. It'll go away. Use ibuprofen for support. As long as it's not infected, just watch for that.
Happened to me when i was clumsy with the needle i think, i have only ever done glute shots though. This clumsiness was partly caused by grapeseed oil through a 25g i think. I also notice when no blood comes when you pull out it is never irritated.
Thats a long needle. Maybe thats the problem? Sound like virgin muscle. Or you are not using proper injection method.
Thanks for the replies. My injection technique is pretty good I think. I use the Z-track method.

It's almost all the way healed it seems. Today the reddening is down a little further and the lump under the skin isn't as dense, but still discernible. I would finally be able to do lateral and front raises without any irritation, although I can still feel the lump a little bit when I mimic a shoulder pressing movement.

I've already missed shoulders, back, and chest workouts because training those would have only aggravated the shoulder pain and I wouldn't have been as strong anyway. So in the meantime I've tried to turn it into something positive by giving my biceps, triceps, quads, and hams/calves their own workout. But going into week 4 of my cycle, my blood levels of the hormones should be hitting their peak so obviously I'd prefer not to have any additional setbacks. It sucks when you spend all this money on juice to help you grow and train harder and it ends up doing the opposite. But thank god it looks like I don't have an infection.
i think you are good man , this has happened to me on quads before 2x . it gota very red almost as if u can see the path of where the oil dispersed in the redness. took me about 3 days for it to go away . not sure exactly whats its from . i guesses it could be from maybe the pin ending up somwhere in between the muscle when u inject and some leaves the muscle . it was red , sore itchy and maybe a little hot . went away in 3 days though and never had a lump . if u injected very fast that could have caused the lump . try going slower .
i woudlnt' sweat it bro.. This happens to me a lot with delt injections. Still happens, but the area isn't as large anymore. Just goes away in a few days.
Outside of the lessening soreness/redness, the reason why I believe it's not an infection is that I've never had a fever and feel great overall, it was the first time I've ever pinned my left delt ("virgin muscle" concept), and the test e is concentrated at 500 mg/ml in ethyl oleate. It could just be the hormone crashing out of the solution, or maybe just irritation from the ethyl oleate for some reason.

I think you narrowed it down pretty well in my opinion. I can't imagine the pip from 500mg/ml of gear in a virgin muscle, BOOM! :eek2:
I am currently experiencing the same effects. I have pinned twice in my right quad with 100mg of Prop and the pain in my leg is crazy. I was looking for answers to this myself.