Retain water (swelling) on test even when estro is low?


New member
So i have done two cycles

test prop 500mg
test e 500mg

Im also on trt 250mg e10days test e.

About 3 weeks in on both cycle I have got really bad water retention/swelling.

Estrogen has been bottom of range both time using aromasin.

Liver values are fine, as are kidney values apart from urea which is high.

I can put it down to one thing?

excess protein and the test is making my kidneys lack the function to excrete it all? I take in around 300g protein per day.

I hat to drop my last cycle because it was so bad, it hasn't become that bad on test e but its still not ideal and I'm thinking of lowering the dose to 300-350mg per week to see if that helps? combined with lowering protein to 250g.

any opinions?

Might be worth saying iv noted carb intake does change the level of swelling on the stomach, it seems as though carbs in the evening i wake up with less swelling then it gradually progresses through the day...

sometimes i used dirty carb sources (Cereals etc) but I'm not sure that would contribute to such bad water retention continuously as iv had it when dieting and clean on the prop cycle...
you did labs to make sure it wasn't estrogen when you were experiencing this?

I think it must be sodium related or something?

its weird that when I'm dehydrated during the night i wake up without (mostly) the swelling
estradiol was checked just can't find the paperwork, it was low mid range last week

Oh i dont doubt man, thats not what Im saying. If thats the case Id bet carbs/sodium like I said. I know when I go eat a large pizza i blownup like balloon. Lol.

We need to see estradiol to rule that out but....

What type of foods do you eat?

Heck, you might be eating way to much in general.
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Oh i dont doubt man, thats not what Im saying. If thats the case Id bet carbs/sodium like I said. I know when I go eat a large pizza i blownup like balloon. Lol.

We need to see estradiol to rule that out but....

What type of foods do you eat?

Yeh its weird cause its not like I'm 'blown up' just retaining a lot of water on my stomach/love handles and ankles...

My diet is usually the following

1 - omlette
2 - salad tuna/chicken etc
3- rice + chicken
train evening
4 - cereal/yogurt/protein mixed together
5- another carb source + meat variation (potato, beef, chicken, rice, etc)

i avoid gluten at all costs as it upsets my stomach somewhat

My doctor thinks its from excess protein intake? not sure why when on low test it doesn't bother me and only seems to cause swelling when on high test if protein is the issue?

rough macros

300 pro
250 carb

The swelling has caused some difficulties mentally and since iv occasionally binged on cereal at night, however i had the swelling before the binging started as on my last cycle cutting on prop my diet was spotless and i still had the swelling even worse than now...
I was going to try doing the following to my diet

- reduce protein to 250g
- spread carbs evenly throughout day instead of all in the evening (carb backloading) as i know carbs effect fluid levels etc.

should i reduce test as well? i feel like reducing it will help maybe I'm an over responder?
try drinking allot of water 5L plus a day, that stops me bloating also how often are taking aromasin it could be that your 3 weeks in and the test is starting to kick in wihch means you E levels are also going to go up, also only change one thing at a time if you change your diet and your test dose how are you gunna know if the change you got was from the lower test or lower protien
try drinking allot of water 5L plus a day, that stops me bloating also how often are taking aromasin it could be that your 3 weeks in and the test is starting to kick in wihch means you E levels are also going to go up, also only change one thing at a time if you change your diet and your test dose how are you gunna know if the change you got was from the lower test or lower protien

yeh true, ill go for diet now as its the easy variable to play around with...
i would wait until you get your results back before changeing anything, did you do blood work at this point in your last cycle when you had the bloating