If estradiol is in check (I blew up both images and it's not listed on any of them), I too am betting it's your carbohydrate intake. Your sodium values from Jan look fine, and if your kidneys were in distress, your eGFR and GGT numbers would be wonky. Just another retarded doctor spouting horseshit because he heard that albumin excretion (a protein) can be increased by excessive protein intake. Now if you had diabetes, renal insufficiency, cardiovascular issues and had these symptoms - I would definitely be looking at the kidneys.
I'm not a doctor, but looking at your blood work, I'm going to say it's not the kidneys at all. Carbs blow me up to the point where I get lines on the side of my head from my safety glasses I wear at work while on a bulk. This is with the aid of a diuretic too, so I can only imagine what it does to folks that don't have my water drinking habits (sitting at 2.5g/ED atm; it helps reduce water retention), or access to diuretics from the pharmacy. I'd wait for the results, but I foresee a reduction of carbs in your future.
My .02c