Retired Military, Tulsa OK


New member
Hey everyone!

Been reading and learning from the forums for maybe 2 years? Anyhow, when I first jumped on my body was not in the right place to do anything with AAS but I have worked hard and eaten tons to really think I could benefit from them.

Anyhow, quick stats 24 6' 205lbs, 17-19% bf and eating clean with occasional cheat meal (once every 2 weeks? shameful i know)

Great information on the site as always but I wanted to come out of the woodwork as I posted an entry into 3js contest thread!

Also, Looking for some advice on getting some full hormone panels done and where! I was military so it was easy for me before...
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Welcome Sir, let us know how we can help, lots of knowledgeable people here.

Thanks mate! If you, or anyone, could point me to a reputable and accurate horomone panel that would be awesome! I see some in some members signatures but I like to have feedback first :)
I'm new too but from what I can gather some test company's levels for testosterone max out at 1500- There definitely a lot or reference in the general forums about these- Just do a advanced search - there's tons of info here if you just look