RichGenetics cycle log 2007


"Resident BadAss"
I'm starting up a cycle log, and will post pictures as well as comments regarding the quality and smoothness of my cycle.

Starting weight: 165.4
Height: 5'10"
Bodyfat: 7.5-7.8% (measured digitally, about 10 times this morning upon waking.)

My cycle consists of:

Wk 1-12: Atlas Pharm Cyp 250mg/Week (shoot Thurs & Mon)
Wk 1-11: Atlas Pharm EQ 400mg/Week (shoot Thurs & Mon)
Wk 1-8: Atlas NPP 100mg/E3days
Wk 1-10: Atlas Anavar 40mg/ED (spaced E 8 hours)
Wk 13-14: Propionate 50mg/EOD

I will be supplementing AI's: AIFM, Adex, & Nolva

Also, will be using:

Trex, Neurogenex, PureCEE, Sesapure, YES, Glucorell-R, MultiV, Magnesium, Vit-C, acidophilus, BCAA.

I will have Letro & Cabergoline on hand just in case.

Training is 4x a week, Monday, Tuesday & Thursday, Friday.
Weight training for 45 minutes, and 30 minutes of cardio.

Here is my diet schedule:

6am - Training/Cardio

8:15am - EITHER: 8 brown egg whites OR 60g CFM Isolate Protein
Oatmeal, 60g carbs

11:00am - 60g CFM Isolate protein
22g Fat from Organic flax oil

1:00pm - EITHER: chicken, turkey burger, steak, all around 50g-60g protein
Whole sweet potato or brown rice
zucchini & squash or green beans or asparagus
salad with ff vinigarette

3:30-4pm - 60g CFM Isolate protein
11g Fat from flax oil
16g Fat from Organic peanut butter (2 tbl spoons)

5:30pm: grilled chicken, or turkey burger on the ride home 50g protein
granny smith apple

7:30pm - Dinner
Usually the same as lunch, or similiar

10:30pm - Shake before bed of CFM protein


To gain 7 pounds of lean body mass, but no more than 10-12. I think I would be satisfied with weighing 175 pounds and having my bodyfat between 4-6%. I know that going below 5% tends to get naughty with just about anyones body, but we'll just see how well I can manage this diet with this cycle. I'm hoping to hold ZERO water with this cycle, as Cypionate would be the only thing that would hold any, and it's relatively mild to none with my experience.

Comments are welcome, critiques are as well, and I'm always open to ideas and suggestions. BUT, please don't critique me and say I'm too small to do a cycle. I've been here before, and the grass is going to get really green :)

By the way, these pictures are me natural (as if you didn't know by my skinny azz anyways...haha ). I'm just trying to stay lean and have that edge back. I wish I could gain, but my goals are to stay a medium/40Regular, and I'll be able to do that. I won't be working my back out that much, let's just say that. I know my body well, and my genetics are very good, so this cycle should do the trick. I've been doing this since I was 19 (don't recommend that age, but....), and I may forget from time to time what I need to do, but it seems to come back to me after a little while. I did my last cycle in 2005, and when I came back around to the boards it took me a little while to remember everything. Memory's going bad.....

Pics below. I'll post them every week, probably Sunday evenings.
Hey man, abs look awsome. Leggs too. Stay lean! good luck, keep posting. Seems like ya got it planed well!
intrinsic1 said:
Hey man, abs look awsome. Leggs too. Stay lean! good luck, keep posting. Seems like ya got it planed well!

hey, good luck RG. will be following the progress.
Hey thanks guys I appreciate it. I'll probably post more than often, on how I'm feeling, appetite, training, ect.

On this dosage, being very light, I'm hoping some newbies that are looking to there first cycle will see that you really don't need much to gain solid lean muscle.

It's all about the diet & training :)

I'll be back. Cheat day today, TWICE! :) :) :)
Lookin good man. You're very lean - awesome. You can definitely put on some more size on your legs and shoulders, but overall, good job.

Looking foward to see future progress :)
Winter said:
Lookin good man. You're very lean - awesome. You can definitely put on some more size on your legs and shoulders, but overall, good job.

Looking foward to see future progress :)

Hey thanks. Yeah, my legs and shoulders grow rapidly, so I'll have to be careful with them. As time progresses, they will fill out well.

Yeah, about the training, I would love to put down my training, but it's nothing to write home about. It's basic, simple, and lightweight mostly.

I'll post it though, so that people can see my regimine.

Training & Cardio



Incline bench:
115 x 2 sets of 12
135 x 1 set of 10
Decline bench:
115 x 3 sets 12
Incline dumbells:
90lbs (total) 3 sets 12
Eagle fly machine:
90lbs, 3 sets 12
Flat bench fly:
60lbs total, 3 sets 12
Cable crossover:
set on 40lbs, 3 sets 12


45lbs 3 sets 12 w/ cambered bar
Push downs with small v bar: 3 sets 12 on 70lbs (paramount modular system cable machine)
dips: 3 sets 12, non weighted
Rope push outs, with paramount machine: 3 sets 12 with 60lbs
Rope push downs: 3 sets 12 with 40lbs


Weighted rope pull downs: 3 sets of 12 with 120lbs
Decline crunches with 25lb weight on chest: 3 sets 12
Side bends with 20lb dumbell 3 sets of 12
Ab machine 3 sets of 12 with 70lbs

Cardio: 30 minutes on eliptical machine

Todays workout was the best I've had since 2005. I felt extreme pumps. It was amazing. Very veiny and vascular and tight. Doing dips there were striations I didn't even know I had. I think it could either be that green tea I drank, or the Var could be slowly kicking in.

My jaw was really tight too for some weird reason. Don't know why, but it's getting better.

Did a shot of NPP last night in the right quad. Went in nicely.

CORRECTION: I'm doing 150mg/NPP E3days, not 100mg. My mistake.
Thanks. I do have a lot more in me, but I grow rapidly, and I'm trying to keep that to a minimum this time of just lbm and around 7 pounds of it.

I weighed about 163 Saturday night, and 166 Sunday morning, and 169 Sunday night. My weight is whack. Water I assume, since I'm drinking and eating all the time.

Today it was 167 when I got up.

I would love to increase the poundages, but I really used controlled methods when I do each set, and they are relatively slow and just really really controlled.

More weight will definitely be hard to not do especially when the cycle really kicks in to high gear.
Just wondering why you don't want to weigh more then 175lbs ? Also when you say you measured ur bf% digitally what tool did you use ?

Thanks for the log always interesting and looks very thorough.
Well, let's just say I have to stay chisled and lean, and fit into a 40-41R jacket and have a 31" waist. I do some independent contractor work on the side (print modeling, commercial modeling, ect). Just extra cash, but you have to stay lean lean lean lean.

I can maintain that size with 175-177 pounds.

The digital measurer is at home, so I'll look and let you know. I need to get a better one, as this one seems to be all over the place sometimes.

Any recommendations? Moneys not a big deal, I would like something that was very accurate. Digital ones seem to be weird sometimes.

Thanks man.
Wow, that's great. I appreciate the link. Ordered!

I'll be excited to get a better read, although I'm probably within where I think I am, hopefully (7-8%).

Food is really going down faster lately. My hunger is growing as the days go by, and just the past couple of days, I might add.

Must be the anavar.

My quads feel so tight I can't wait to do legs tomorrow. Should be a great workout.

Legs & Abs on Tuesday
Wednesday Off
Thursday Back & Biceps (back is really lame, as I'm not widending my back much, and have to do minimal excercises)
Friday Shoulders & Abs

I'll usually work my abs 4x a week, and every other bodypart 1 time.
Leg Day. 6:15am. Took a shot of Synthelemin B-12, drand a Hot cup of organic green tea, and I was off.....

Felt good today, not as good as yesterday, but hey, it was leg day. It always drains me a little more.

Squat machine: 135 3 sets 12
Hack squats: 135 3 sets 12
Quad extension, Cybex machine: 70lbs 3 sets 12
Stomach Cybex leg curls: 90lbs 3 sets 12
Seated leg curls: 70lbs 3 sets 12

Calf raises: 50lbs 3 sets 12
Cybex calf raise machine: 90lbs 3 sets 12
Angled calf raise: 90lbs 3 sets 12

(With all calf machines, I do 1 set straight, 1 set with my toes pointed out, and 1 set with my toes pointed in. Works the best for me.)

Hip adduction Cybex machine: both ways, 90lbs 3 sets 12

Burnout: Quad extension, toes straight, in, and out: 50lbs 15 reps each way


Weighted rope pull downs: 3 sets of 12 with 120lbs
Decline crunches with 25lb weight on chest: 3 sets 12
Side bends with 20lb dumbell 3 sets of 12
Ab machine 3 sets of 12 with 70lbs

Cardio: 30 minutes on eliptical machine

It was a good workout. My quads are definitely striating more. My calves are ridiculous. I will have to lower the weight, as they are 16 1/2" cold flex right now. My arms are only 15 3/4".
Wednesday: Off day.

Feels good to have a day off. I'm always so tired the day after legs. Boo hoo.

I'm dropping the Nolvadex and adding in cabergoline to help with the sensitive nipples. I think it's possible its from the NPP.

I haven't decided if I will stop taking it yet. I will also up my dosage of adex, and see what happens.

It's not bad gyno, but I don't want to make it worse.