RichGenetics cycle log 2007


Yes, this test was taken before any Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) were started.

How could my muscle tissue be damaged? That's just freaking insane.
I've made the decision to screw the Nolva and stay the course with the AI's in hopes of dissipating the existing gyno/new gyno problem, or minimizing it as much as possible.

Also the cab will help.

Damn Progestin/Estrogen fool I must be.
Friend, dont fret about those enzyme levels - they are not THAT elevated. The muscle tissue damage is of course hard training! Why not get another test this week but dont train for 3 days prior to the test. JK
Ok, so I've had the past 2 days off from training and will be back in the gym tomorrow morning bright and early.

I looked at the calendar, and I haven't had a cheat meal since the 5th. I couldn't stand it. I cheated tonight. It wasn't a big cheat meal, but it was good. I took 2 pieces of grilled chicken, sliced them up. I took marinara sauce and put it on one piece and wrapped the other in a whole wheat piece of pita bread with ff sour cream, a few dashes of shredded cheese, and some taco sauce.

It wasn't much of a cheat meal, but it worked. I feel a lot better.

I've been dropping carbs after 4pm for 3 straight days, and mixing it up may help my metabolism.

Whew, that Cherry Coke Zero was good too. :)
RichGenetics said:
I also started supplementing B6 for a little while at 500mg/ED and will see if it helps my prog gyno a bit.

Good thinking with the B6, although read up on B6 side effects as they can be quite nasty even at 500mg...although I'm yet to see/hear anyone who has shown these symtoms, still best to be safe....
Oh man. Taken from

"Are there any side effects or interactions? Vitamin B6 is usually safe, at intakes up to 200 mg per day in adults.7 However, neurological side effects can sometimes occur at that level.8 Levels higher than 200 mg are more likely to cause such problems. Vitamin B6 toxicity can damage sensory nerves, leading to numbness in the hands and feet as well as difficulty walking. The National Academy of Sciences performed an analysis of vitamin B6 studies. They determined the safe upper limit for long-term use is 100 mg per day. However, under supervision of a healthcare professional, up to 200 mg per day of vitamin B6 can be safely taken by most men and nonpregnant women for limited periods of time. Pregnant and breast-feeding women should not take more than 100 mg of vitamin B6 per day without a doctor’s supervision.

Since vitamin B6 increases the bioavailability of magnesium, these nutrients are sometimes taken together."

I may just take my chances and drop down to 200mg/ED instead. I need to stay sain and walk too. lol

Training & cardio



Incline bench:
115 x 2 sets of 12
135 x 1 set of 10
Flat dumbells:
100lbs (total) 3 sets 12
Eagle fly machine:
90lbs, 3 sets 12
Flat bench fly:
60lbs total, 3 sets 12
Cable crossover:
set on 40lbs, 3 sets 12


Rope pull down: 130lbs 3 of 12
Decline crunch with 25 pound weight: 3 of 12
Ab machine, 70lbs 3 of 12
Hanging leg raises (twisted knees): 3 sets of 20
Side bends with 20lb dumbell: 3 sets of 12 on each side

cardio: Only for 15 minutes today. I was running out of time, but did it very high pace since I was strapped.

I feel good today. I had decent pumps and felt fairly full. I'm not blowing up with strength or size gains like dbol, but overall, so far the Anavar (var) is working well.

I'll be anxious to see it work better as the days go by. I'm on day 11 of it right now.

Hopefully I'll get a good wind of it soon, and more than I'm getting right now.
I swapped up my diet a little today. It was only to have a shake for PWO, and then it went on the same from there. It comes out to having 8 meals total per day:

Train: 6am

Meal 1:

1 cup oatmeal
cal-300, fat-6, sod-0, carb-54, protein-10
CFM Isolate protein
cal-210, fat-0, sod-150, carb-0, prot-54

Meal 2: 9 egg whites
cal-153, sod-495, protein-36
1 large banana
cal-121, fat-0, sod-1, carb-31 (17sugar), fiber-4, prot-1

Meal 3: CFM Isolate protein
cal-210, fat-0, sod-150, carb-0, prot-54

1 tbls flax oil
cal-110, fat-11

Meal 4: 8oz chicken breast
cal-180, fat-1, sod-82, prot-42

sw potato
cal-180, fat-0, sod-72, carb-41, prot-4

cal-29, fat-0, sod-5, carb-7, prot-1

cal-36, fat-0, sod-2, carb-8, prot-2

romaine lettuce
cal-8, sod-4, carb-2, prot-1

Meal 5: 8oz chicken breast
cal-180, fat-1, sod-42, prot-42

sw potato (ONLY SOME DAYS...I started swapping up carbs)
cal-180, fat-0, sod-72, carb-41, prot-4

granny smith apple
cal-110, fat-0, sod-2, carb-29 (sugar-22), fiber-5

Meal 6: CFM Isolate protein
cal-210, fat-0, sod-150, carb-0, prot-54

flax oil: 1tblspoon
cal-110, fat-11

Organic peanut butter, 1 tblspoon
cal-105, fat-8, sod-25, carb-3, prot-4

Meal 7: 12oz chicken breast
cal-270, fat-1.5, sod-63, prot-63

Meal 8: Nightime protein
cal-210, fat-1, sod-170, carb-0, prot-54

2912 - CALORIES (Up from 2625.....Miscount)
40.5 - FAT GRAMS (My previous was 48.5....I miscounted
1485 - SODIUM MG (Up from 1288)
216 - CARB GRAMS (My previous was only 178...I miscounted AGAIN :bash: )
426 - PROTEIN GRAMS (Up from 372)

It would be nice if I could add and subtract. I'll bet if someone added all this I would probably still be wrong. :shoot2:


Some days I will not have the sweet potato in the afternoon and drop that carb. Some days I will. It just depends.

I will also start fluctuating my carbs around and try to kick my metabolism a bit. I'm not seeing the fat loss that I want to see, but it's only been 11 days and I have a long way to go. I'm OCD, can you tell?
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6am, green tea (man it was way too hot), shot of Synthelemin B-12, and off to the gym for leg day.


Squats: 135lbs 3 of 12 (sets were done very slow, and concentration was high)
Hack squats: 90lbs, 3 of 12 (1 with feet out, 1 in, and 1 straight)
Lying leg curls: 70lbs, 3 of 12
Seated leg curls: 70lbs, 3 of 12
Hamstring deads? (theres a name for it, but I can't think right now. I used a barbell, and was on a platform and with my back straight, leaned forward with the weight to the floor) 95lbs, 3 of 12
Quad extensions: 5 sets of 12 (feet in, out and straight, and last set was burnout)

Calf raises: 50lbs 3 sets 12
Cybex calf raise machine: 90lbs 3 sets 12
Angled calf raise machine: 90lbs 4 sets 12

(With all calf machines, I do 1 set straight, 1 set with my toes pointed out, and 1 set with my toes pointed in. Works the best for me.)

Hip adduction Cybex machine: both ways, 90lbs 3 sets 12


Rope pull downs: 3 sets of 12, FULL STACK (This felt nice :))
Ab machine: 3 sets of 12, 110lbs


20 minutes of high intensity on Cybex eliptical machine.

I was sweating like a whore in church when I got finished. It was a great workout from start to finish. My calves had some veins popping out like the old days. I felt really good, and decided to up the weight on my abs to shock them.

I'll rest tomorrow and be back in the gym Thursday.

Wow, I'm so hungry lately. My appetite is ridiculous.

This morning upon waking, and AFTER taking a long piss:


It's slowly rising, but I look a lot different than the weight says.

It's been fluctuating from 169.5 back down to 168.4 and all in between.

So far so good, and it looks like the fat is melting off and I'm a lot more fuller and vascular.

I'm taking photos tonight I HOPE. Time is short these days.

6:00am, green tea

6:15 gym time

Arm day: Triceps & Biceps


Skullcrushers: 75lbs on cam bar, 3 sets 12 & 12 presses after each set
Vbar push downs: 110lbs, 3 sets 12
Rope push outs, with paramount machine: 3 sets 12 with 60lbs
Rope push downs: 3 sets 12 with 60lbs
Dumbell standing concentrated tri extensions: 15lbs each arm, 3 sets 12


Barbell curls: 50lbs, 3 sets 12
Dumbell curls: 50lbs total, 3 sets 12
Cambered barbell curls: 45lbs, 3 sets 12
Hammer curls with dumbells: 50lbs total, 3 sets 12


Rope pull downs: Entire stack, 3 sets 12
Ab machine: 120lbs, 3 sets 12
Hanging leg raises: 3 sets 20, knees turned side to side


Cybex elliptical, 20 minutes of high intensity type

Wow, all I have to say is the Anavar is starting to really kick into high gear it seems. My veins were popping so much during dumbell curls it was just nasty. I'm getting so defined so fast. It's crazy. My diet is the reason this is going so well. I don't ever cheat.

I will have to cheat soon though, at least a REAL cheat meal.

My weight is hovering between 169.4 and 170.4 for the past day. I'm sure it's the addition of the extra meal, extra water consumption, ect.

The gyno has subsided and is slowly dissipating. I think the cabergoline did the trick. I've been doing .5mg ED for the past 5 days or so. I dropped the dosage to .25mg last night, and will continue this for the next week or so.

AIFM dosage is 1.5 pumps on each nipple, and I will do between 3-4 pumps per day.

I also dropped my dosage of arimidex to .25mg/ED from .5mg/ED.

I am going to experiment and see how things go with this. I want to try and keep the water off and it's been working very well with the AIFM, & adex. I just want to drop the dosage of adex and see if the water will continue to stay off.

My goals are slowly being achieved, but I want ZERO water gain from this cycle no matter what. Obviously my health is very important to me though, so I don't want to screw my lipids up royally, so that is the reason for lowering the adex dosage.

My diet seems to be so clean and my body is showing it. I need to post pictures up, but I've been so busy after work, I just haven't had time.

It sounds weird to say this, but I'm almost getting slightly nervous for when the EQ & Cyp actually start to kick in.

I just hope the dosage I have isn't too high.

From the first pictures to the upcoming ones, it's a very noticeable difference.

If my weight continues to climb and I'm at 175 in the middle of my cycle, I guess I'll have to lower the EQ dosage and re-adjust my diet.

More to come........

You guys have any comments?
Updated pics taken tonight. I haven't had any carbs since 3 this afternoon and I feel like I'm starving to death. Still, I'm eating 8 meals, but I feel hungry as hell right now.

I was trying to stay tight and for some reason my chest decided to tighten and it looks weird.

So I guess so far so good. Comments are welcome. I need to drop some fat/water around my midsection, and mainly my love handle area. It always seems to be the last part to go.

I have some time though. :)

Ok gotta go drink some protein.....
Looking good Rich. Keep bulking but keep the leanness - its a bitch to get back! :)

If your carefull about your diet and training you shouldn't put on any fat. Also, remember that post-cycle most people do lose a little size (which can be minimized with perfect PCT/Diet/Training).
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outlawtas2 said:
Looking good Rich. Keep bulking but keep the leanness - its a bitch to get back! :)

If your carefull about your diet and training you shouldn't put on any fat. Also, remember that post-cycle most people do lose a little size (which can be minimized with perfect PCT/Diet/Training).

Thanks man. Yeah, I can tell I'm gaining size ever so slightly, and at a slow pace. This is what I want to do. I am eating so clean, but I feel like HOPEFULLY, in the next 3-5 weeks my bodyfat should continue to go lower and lower.

I just hope I'm doing everything correctly. You know how you sometimes feel like your questioning your own judgement? Well some days I feel like that.

I know it's only been a couple weeks into this, but I was hoping the leaness would go faster.

Who am I trying to's coming off fine. I need to take a chill

I cut out carbs from afternoon on, and I THINK it's making a difference. I need some pointers for ways to shock and awe my metabolism a little more.

I'm being too always, I am like that with myself.

Back, Shoulder, & Abs


Pull ups: 3 sets of 8
Behind neck pull downs: 90lbs 3 of 12
Lat pull downs with machine: 90lbs 3 of 12
Seated lat rows with machine: 100lbs 3 of 12
Barbell rows: 50lbs, 3 of 12


Seated barbell press: 95lbs 3 of 12
Dumbell front raise: 40lbs total, 3 of 12
Dumbell side raise: 40lbs total 3 of 12
Seated lateral raises (I lay my torso on my legs, and pull back the db's): 30lbs total, 3 of 12
Standing barbell to chin pull ups: 50lbs 3 of 12


Rope pull downs: 120lbs, 3 sets 12
Ab machine: 120lbs, 3 sets 12
Hanging leg raises: 3 sets 20, knees turned side to side
Side winders: 3 sets 12, 40lbs
So I've been out of the loop for a little while but life's be extremely busy. But the good news is that I've been maintaining my diet and training has been spectacular.

The unfortunate/fortunate (I'm not sure which one is the case) news is that my weight is up to 177 and holding strong.

My bodyfat has stayed the same, and possibly has dropped. I haven't measured it lately.

I'm posting new pictures this weekend.