RichGenetics cycle log 2007

5:45am, had green tea, and headed to the gym.

I feel really good today, and the workout was great. I'm having some really big pumps from the anavar. I assume it's the anavar, as this is the only Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) that could be working so fast. My muscles feel so tight.

I weighed at the gym, and the scale said 171.2. So I took off all my clothes, and it went down to 170.1. I've got to cut carbs after 3pm starting today. I'm gaining too fast. I may even cut out the NPP.

Workout today: Back, Biceps, & Abs


Behind neck pull downs: 70lbs 3 of 12
Lat pull downs with machine: 70lbs 3 of 12
Seated lat rows with machine: 70lbs 3 of 12


Str8 Barbell curls: 50lbs 3 of 12
Dumbell curls: 50lbs total, 3 of 12
Standing cambered bar w/ machine: 40lbs 3 of 12
Machine curls with rope: 40lbs 3 of 12
Dumbell iso curls: 15lbs each, 3 of 12


Weighted rope pull downs: 3 sets of 12 with 120lbs
Decline crunches with 25lb weight on chest: 3 sets 12
Side bends with 20lb dumbell 3 sets of 12
Ab machine 3 sets of 12 with 70lbs

Cardio: 30 minutes on eliptical machine

So it doesn't look like I push much weight, but I'm very, very, very isolated in my movements, and very controlled. I don't rush through anything, and I treat my last rep as if it were my first. My form is very good.

I'm going to do some meal swapping today. I'm swapping my 3:30 & 5:30 meals, and also canning the carbs for dinner. This way, I'll have my last carb meal at 3:30pm. I'm hoping this will help me out in leaning up more as well.

Also, I'm probably not taking in much sodium AT ALL. I need to do a macro listing this weekend of all my foods and list the total calories, protein, carbs, sodium, & fat.

I bet I'm not taking in more than 250mg of sodium a day. Would this be something I need to increase, or am I doing the right thing staying so low?

I'm also drinking a lot of water: between 1 1/2 and 2 gallons. I think I may scale back down to 1 1/2 gallons and not go so high.

My arimidex dosage was upped to .5mg/ED last night, and I stopped taking Nolvadex. Progestin gyno is a possiblity as my nipps are a slight bit on the tender side. I'm going to add cabergoline and see if it helps.

I'm ready for weekend pics. I think I'm already starting to morph. I love this stuff. More to come......
Ok, so I swapped my meals around and haven't had a carb since around 4pm. It's not that bad, but I've eaten so much chicken and I'm starving.

Trying out the night time formula protein I just got in tonight.

It's weird: only my right nipple is sore. The left one is fine. I took .5mg of cabergoline tonight, and will adjust the dosage every day. I think this should help. If not, I'm dropping the NPP for sure.

Anybody have suggestions on the sodium/water intake?

I think me dropping carbs after 4pm and eliminating them for dinner should make at least SOME of an impact on my leaning up.

We'll see. Opinions are welcome. I feel all alone in here... :sleep:
Didn't have to work today, so I slept in a little. Got up at 7:30. I feel really good today. I haven't had carbs since yesterday afternoon and I'm feeling a little flat, but also very lean. Should be a good workout.


Seated barbell press: 95lbs 3 of 12
Dumbell front raise: 40lbs total, 3 of 12
Dumbell side raise: 30lbs total 3 of 12
Seated lateral raises (I lay my torso on my legs, and pull back the db's): 30lbs total, 3 of 12
Standing barbell to chin pull ups: 50lbs 3 of 12


Dumbell shrugs: 90lbs total 3 of 12


Rope pull down: 130lbs 3 of 12
Decline crunch with 25 pound weight: 3 of 12
Ab machine, 70lbs 3 of 12
Precor crunch machine: 3 of 12

Cardio: 30 minutes on eliptical

I think as the days go by the fat will continue to melt away. My diet is very clean, and the only thing I need to do now is a count of calories, carbs, protein, & fat. I haven't gotten around to that yet. I will try this weekend. I don't have a scale for measureing food, but I'll order one this weekend, or buy one if I see one while I'm out today. Any suggestions on that?

Off until Monday, so this will be a great 2 day break.

I may have a cheat meal this weekend. I haven't had one since last Thursday I think? I can't remember.
Your ripped dude.... any advice on what i need to take to get shredded? also any idea on a workout plan for me? im 5"10 188lbs 13 to 15% BF i know its bad but im trying. thanks for any help
Thanks man.

So your goals are to trim down some bodyfat, and just get lean yes? I can tell you that the diet I currently do at the top of my post is something I've followed over the years and its worked well for me personally. I tweak it of course, but all in all, it's not changed too much. I can't say what would work for your body type, but you could follow something like I have and get very lean.

As far as training goes, I only know what's worked best for me and it may or may not work well for you. My training for the past week is posted above, and this has been the way I've trained for years. Back in the day when I was a lot larger, the only thing I would do is increase the weight on certain exercises. I always have done the 4x a week schedule. Some people need more and some don't.

You'll need to really play with both diet & training, and see what works best for you.

You also could do a search and probably find some great info on the past posts on nutrition for leaning out, and also training.
RichGenetics said:
Thanks man.

So your goals are to trim down some bodyfat, and just get lean yes? I can tell you that the diet I currently do at the top of my post is something I've followed over the years and its worked well for me personally. I tweak it of course, but all in all, it's not changed too much. I can't say what would work for your body type, but you could follow something like I have and get very lean.

As far as training goes, I only know what's worked best for me and it may or may not work well for you. My training for the past week is posted above, and this has been the way I've trained for years. Back in the day when I was a lot larger, the only thing I would do is increase the weight on certain exercises. I always have done the 4x a week schedule. Some people need more and some don't.

You'll need to really play with both diet & training, and see what works best for you.

You also could do a search and probably find some great info on the past posts on nutrition for leaning out, and also training.

How big were u then...back in the day :insane2: ?
After doing some research and pulling my mind together, I realized my weight only got close to 200 back in 2005. I maintained that for a little over 6 months, and had to trim down very fast for modeling. Long story.

Anyways, so sorry for the 210 & maintained over a year in the other post. This must have been back in late 2002, as I didn't train much in 03, 04. Got married, built a house, didn't care I guess with the training.

Here's a post from back in 2005 when I did my cyp/dbol cycle. I wish I would have kept taking pictures that summer. I looked better than I ever have after I added the Winstrol (winny) to the end of the cycle. I tweaked my diet and lost a good bit of water weight.

Do note that I was trying to gain gain gain on this cycle and the water retention from it was from the dbol and my not so clean diet:
Just did a total of my daily intake of food:

Meal 1: 9 egg whites
cal-153, sod-495, protein-36

1 cup oatmeal
cal-300, fat-6, sod-0, carb-54, protein-10

1 large banana
cal-121, fat-0, sod-1, carb-31 (17sugar), fiber-4, prot-1

Meal 2: CFM Isolate protein
cal-210, fat-0, sod-150, carb-0, prot-54

1 tbls flax oil
cal-110, fat-11

Meal 3: 8oz chicken breast
cal-180, fat-1, sod-82, prot-42

sw potato
cal-180, fat-0, sod-72, carb-41, prot-4

cal-29, fat-0, sod-5, carb-7, prot-1

cal-36, fat-0, sod-2, carb-8, prot-2

romaine lettuce
cal-8, sod-4, carb-2, prot-1

Meal 4: 8oz chicken breast
cal-180, fat-1, sod-42, prot-42

granny smith apple
cal-110, fat-0, sod-2, carb-29 (sugar-22), fiber-5

Meal 5
: CFM Isolate protein
cal-210, fat-0, sod-150, carb-0, prot-54

flax oil: 1tblspoon
cal-110, fat-11

Organic peanut butter, 2 tblspoon
cal-210, fat-16, sod-50, carb-6, prot-8

Meal 6: 12oz chicken breast
cal-270, fat-1.5, sod-63, prot-63

Meal 7: Nightime protein
cal-210, fat-1, sod-170, carb-0, prot-54


47.5 - FAT GRAMS
1288 - SODIUM MG

Ok, so this is basically how my day ends up. It may change with substituting certain vegetables, or instead of a sweet potato it could be brown rice instead.

This is what I'm doing every single day.

It seems like it looks pretty balanced. Any thoughts? Should I adjust some things and add/subtract some things?

It seems a lot of my sodium is coming from the egg whites. I had no idea they had that much in them. BUT, 1288mg per day isn't that bad I don't think. Still, I would like to lower it if it would benefit my goals and keep water weight to a minimum.

I'm curious to see how much I will gain off this cycle with this low amount of calories. I would think the goals I have could be achievable with this amount of cals, carbs, protein, but it will be a slow process and in the end they will all probably end up being 99% keepable gains.

Ok I think I am going to HAVE to scrap the NPP. There just isn't any other reason why my gyno would be getting so bad.

My right nipple has just grown to a huge knot and is severely sore. It's about the size of a quarter or nickel. I can't even imagine it would be from anything other than the NPP. I've never had problems like this before. It's virtually unnoticeable if you were looking straight at me, but I assure you, it's definitely a knot and definitely getting worse.

My left nipple is the same, hasn't changed, and no soreness.

I'm only taking 40mg/Var/ED, 250mg/Cyp/wk, & 400mg/EQ/wk. I've only been "on" since April 5th. I've been doing 150mg NPP E3days, so I've taken a total of 3 shots.

I started cabergoline yesterday at .5mg, and another .5mg tonight. It's so weird, it's like the gyno is concentrated into that 1 lump under my right nipple and it's getting harder and harder as well.


I was planning on having the surgury sometime in early January just to get it gone, but for the time being, is cabergoline my only route?

I've also been pumping 2 sprays of AIFM on each nip as well, every night.

Taking .5mg/EOD of adex as well.

This HAS to be progestin induced gyno.

I do know it just cannot be from the cyp or EQ, as they have never caused me problems.

Any suggestions? Thanks
Today I'm feeling a little emotional, and I'm not quite sure why. At times I feel like I could burst out crying for no apparent reason. It's not bad, but it makes me feel like it could be estrogen maybe?

That just doesn't make much sense to me, and honestly, it could also be that my wife is going somewhere for a few days and leaving me home alone. I hate being alone, so that could be the reason.

What a bitch I :baby:

In all seriousness, I'm trying to decifer why this could be going on. I'm a little tired, and I'm thinking it could be the removal of my carbs after my afternoon meal, but I don't know. I'm trying to figure it out.

I'm taking cabergoline @ .5mg for the past 2 days, and also adex @ .5mg ED too. I'm also taking AIFM, 4 pumps per day for the past 2 days, up from only 2-3 pumps.

Any suggestions? I'm sure this will pass. With the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) I'm taking, I wouldn't think I would have much estrogen related issues, as I've never really had bad ones in the past cycles I've done.

Thanks. Boo hoo. hahaha! :insane2:
Fuck dude I'd be more worried about the gyno, woudn't that mess up ur modelling deals ?

Great pics by the way!!! You should have stayed big and canned the modelling!
I am for sure worried, but the fact that other people don't notice it makes it a little easier I suppose. If you look at the beginning of this post you would probably not even think I had a problem. As small of one as it may be compared to other people it still bothers me to no end, and I'm just going to HAVE to do the surgery.

Dropping the NPP will more than likely kill the prog sides, and the cabergoline should really help as well, it's just not kicking in as of yet.

Yeah, I'll be out of the loop of course, but January-February are slow months in the industry, and I'll be able to recooperate in the winter time. This will help too.

Glad you're posting, I have felt like nobody is reading! haha!
RichGenetics said:
I am for sure worried, but the fact that other people don't notice it makes it a little easier I suppose. If you look at the beginning of this post you would probably not even think I had a problem. As small of one as it may be compared to other people it still bothers me to no end, and I'm just going to HAVE to do the surgery.

Dropping the NPP will more than likely kill the prog sides, and the cabergoline should really help as well, it's just not kicking in as of yet.

Yeah, I'll be out of the loop of course, but January-February are slow months in the industry, and I'll be able to recooperate in the winter time. This will help too.

Glad you're posting, I have felt like nobody is reading! haha!
i would throw in 40 mg ed of nolva untile the symptoms get better than stay on 20 mg ed throughout the cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) . if your not modeling right now i wouldnt be too anal about sodium UNLESS your blood pressure is up .
Hey Dawg, thanks for the response.

My problem is I've heard that certain people can have a reaction with taking Nolvadex & NPP at the same time, and hense, it can increase the gyno and make it worse.

I dropped the Nolva after hearing this and started taking cabergoline and upped my dosage of adex to .5mg ED, and my AIFM dosage to 4pumps per day.

So far, on day 3 of the cabergoline (only taken it twice), nothing is getting better, but it's not getting worse either.

How long is it before the NPP is out of ones system? Or per sa, what would be a good time to start back on the Nolva? My last NPP shot was on Thursday. 150mg.

Thanks man.
Yes, I'm still modeling right now. My blood pressure is normal, so I'll try to keep the sodium around the area I have now. Some days I may opt out of the eggs, and some days I might not.

I'm also thinking about doing some juggling with my carbs, and having more one day then the next and trying to trick my bodies metabolism.

It's worth a shot.
You look great at either size. I did one very moderate EQ / Test cycle last year after many years natural. My right nipple only got sore and felt pretty inflamed by week 2/3. I took 2 caps of Proviron ED and problem went away. I even experimented and stopped the Proviron to see what would happen. 5 days later - nipple sore again. Took Proviron rest of cycle. Others will not like to hear this, but I got very emotional and depressed on cycle in spite of great workouts and good gains. That film Shopgirl was a real tear-jerker for me at the time. Yes yes - laugh on.
I thought about doing proviron at one time during the building of this current cycle, but opted out of it. I didn't want to increase the amount of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) I was already doing.

Yeah, it seems a lot of emotional things come from excess estrogen possibly. I feel a lot better and I think it was just a blip on the radar, but nothing least that's the case so far.
I just received my lab results from blood & urine testing for my life insurance. I will try to list as much as I can and hopefully people can chime in on what a lot of it means:


AST (SGOT) - 47 H ??? (THIS WAS IN THE ABNORMAL COLUMN) Normal is 0-41
ALT (SGPT) - 53 H ??? (THIS WAS IN THE ABNORMAL COLUMN) Normal is 0-45

GGT (GGTP) - 17
HDL - 60
LDL - 62

Can anyone tell me about this analysis? I just received this in the mail tonight so I haven't had the chance to consult with my physician yet. Also, I got some urine analysis testing, and there were some things regarding white & red blood cells that both had "NP" beside them. I don't know what that means.

I did test negative for cocaine. lol

Why is my AST & ALT readings high? It seems like these numbers reflect an enzyme found in varieties of tissues & the other is present in tissues, but most importantly in the liver.

I hope these being a little on the high side isn't bad.

I'm also going to post this on the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) discussion forum as well.
If done before your cycle (I assume so) this does indicate either some liver inflammation (minor) or muscle tissue damage. You should be vigilant now with your liver care. You have a good lipid (fats) profile - it will be very interesting to see how much you wreck it with the cycle. Many guys post on and on about the liver problems of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) (may not always be a problem) when in fact it is the lipid profile which is almost always massacred with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) administration. Yes it does recover but it can take months or over a year for it to recover – meanwhile the high levels of LDL have laid down some nice plaque in the arteries.
I just can't understand why my AST & ALT testing came back high??? It makes no sense.

I NEVER drink alcohol. I don't do drugs or take anything that could harm my liver (I don't think).

I haven't done a cycle since 2005, and the dbol in that cycle was for only 7 weeks I think? (Can't quite remember exactly). BUT I do know that the dosage was only 25mg per day at max.

The only supplement that I've taken for the past 1 1/2 years is Thermorexin. I take only "1" pill and I take one EVERY day.

This couldn't have an affect on my liver could it?

I'm just trying to first off, understand what these readings mean (AST & ALT), and WHY they could be high?

I did read that the AST could be from extensive training/exercise. This may be why it was high, yes?

Thanks for the help, and anyone who can chime in as well.