Ring vs Cage


New member
As far as fighting goes, the cage can act like a third arm. It gives leverage and a stationary object to pin your opponent against. But I'm looking at it from a perspective of helping the sport grow. In getting mainstream appeal the biggest hurdle the UFC may have to overcome is the octagon itself. It just screams "human cockfighting", where the ring is synonymous with boxing, which is already an accepted sport. What is everyone else's opinions?
I prefer rings to cages because the cage obstructs my view hehe
The cage itself adds a different element to fighting and the way the fight progresses for example if a fighter was up against the cage in UF, that fighter would have different options on how to fight if they were against the ropes... the could even escape over the ropes.
Having never fought inside a cage i can't tell you what it's like but Simon Dore, the heavyweight champ I train with, has fought cage Kickboxing rules and asys that it's very different when you are in a cage as opposed to a ring he hated it because he felt more confined. I guess there's a psychological thing from a fighters pov

As far as a cage looking like "Human Cockfighting" well in a way yes, the cage adds to an element of brutality and primal rage and it was marketed as such in the early days... u know no holds barred anything goes combat?
I come from a TM background and although i like UFC and MMA, i can see how it gets frowned upon
Oh, speaking of cage, I think they're showing the latest KOTC on Direct TV this week are they not?:D
I have to disagree with everyone. I really believe that for mma to grow, they need to make their own persona. They cant feed off of what boxing has done and the ring. Dont get me wrong I love Pride, but as far as mma is concerned I really think that most people think of it as being done in a cage and people recognize that.
bigdaddy22 said:
I have to disagree with everyone. I really believe that for mma to grow, they need to make their own persona. They cant feed off of what boxing has done and the ring. Dont get me wrong I love Pride, but as far as mma is concerned I really think that most people think of it as being done in a cage and people recognize that.

Good point bigdaddy!
most people being who exactly?
It was america that started MMA fights in cages and then it spread
before that in Brazil and Japan , fights were still fought in rings
I see the point you'er trying to make, don't take this the wrong way but there's no tradion or heritage to MMA being fought in the cage
(And yes, i do know that there is brazilian cage fighting but the majority of NHB is fought in rings over there too)
Fyre said:
Oh, speaking of cage, I think they're showing the latest KOTC on Direct TV this week are they not?:D

Got a chance to watch part of Aftershock on the weekend but I missed the first forty minutes of the card.
I did catch Dan Severn vs Jerry Bovonovich(sp?)
The fight ended up in a draw. The post fight interview with The Beast was very cool. Scary Jerry is a big boy that's for sure!
There was also Bobby Gamboa vs Charlie Valencia. Honestly, I think this fight could have gone either way. Bobby seemed to dominate on his feet but Valencia definitely dominated on the ground. Valencia's takedowns are so bloody quick. Both are extremely quick and skilled fighters. Valencia ended up winning by decision.
The next fight up was Krazy Horse vs Shad Smith. It lasted a whole of 20 seconds with Krazy Horse stunning Shad with a flurry of punches right off the bat. hehe...very entertaining fighter. He's a crowd pleaser that's for sure. He did a back flip off the top of the cage!
The last fight that I'm so glad I didn't miss was Joe Camacho vs Joe Stevenson. I'm a big fan of Joe Stevenson. He's quick and he's got great fighting skills. It doesn't matter if he's standing or on the ground, he's a well rounded fighter. Stevenson dominated this fight in my opinion. Stevenson ended up subbing Camacho. So, he got to keep his lightweight belt.:D
For what I saw, it was a very good card. I'm hoping to catch the beginning matches this week.:D
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Most people, meaning the average boxing or sports fan, who's only knowledge of MMA is hearing Jim Rome calling it human cockfighting. I appreciate both cage and ring. I am speaking the widespread audience UFC will get if it gets on Spike TV. I don't have a lot of friends who appreciate the sport. Almost all of my conversations on MMA happen in MMA forums, but the most common reactions I get when trying to bring it up in conversation is 1. Its too boring. The people who haven't developed an appreciation for the ground game or 2. Its nothing more than bar fighting in a cage, this from the people who watched the early UFC's when guys like Tank Abbot were the poster boys.
Fyre said:
Got a chance to watch part of Aftershock on the weekend but I missed the first forty minutes of the card.
I did catch Dan Severn vs Jerry Bovonovich(sp?)
The fight ended up in a draw. The post fight interview with The Beast was very cool. Scary Jerry is a big boy that's for sure!
There was also Bobby Gamboa vs Charlie Valencia. Honestly, I think this fight could have gone either way. Bobby seemed to dominate on his feet but Valencia definitely dominated on the ground. Valencia's takedowns are so bloody quick. Both are extremely quick and skilled fighters. Valencia ended up winning by decision.
The next fight up was Krazy Horse vs Shad Smith. It lasted a whole of 20 seconds with Krazy Horse stunning Shad with a flurry of punches right off the bat. hehe...very entertaining fighter. He's a crowd pleaser that's for sure. He did a back flip off the top of the cage!
The last fight that I'm so glad I didn't miss was Joe Camacho vs Joe Stevenson. I'm a big fan of Joe Stevenson. He's quick and he's got great fighting skills. It doesn't matter if he's standing or on the ground, he's a well rounded fighter. Stevenson dominated this fight in my opinion. Stevenson ended up subbing Camacho. So, he got to keep his lightweight belt.:D
For what I saw, it was a very good card. I'm hoping to catch the beginning matches this week.:D

Awesome Fyre!
I haven't seen any KOTC but i'dlike to check it out
i doubt it will ever be shown in the uK
maybe i can download some from dc
any fights that stand out ?
MTG I see what you are saying about there being no tradition or heritage with mma, I just believe that in the US, most people think of mma as in a cage, and this may hope in its promotion. as for KOTC you really need to see some of the fights especially the older fights when rampage and randleman were just starting, great stuff
The octagon rules. It's like two dogs let loose, and there's no where to run.