
New member
Here are my progress pictures. I have been meaning to post these for quite awhile. First off, I was really fat about 4 years ago. I weighed up to as much as 220. That is when I had enough. I slowly started to lift weights and run. I dieted my as off and after 4 years of training and knowledge about diet, I dieted down to 150 lbs. These are my pics of my hardwork. Critique me and let me know what you think. Since these pics, I have done a bulker and got up to 195. I have dieted again and I weigh 180 right now. I am looking to break 200 for my second bulker in a couple months. Just so people don't flame me, I know I got really thin dieting, but I wanted to clean my frame of all my fat and then I massed and dieted right and put on quality. I figure, once you hit rock bottom you can only go up from there!! I will post before pics when I find them. Thanks again for a great site and knowledge. Peace!! RRW
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Thanks for all the comments guys. I appreciate it. I do hit calves 2 to 3 times per week and I hit quads twice per week, but I just can't seem to get that good quad separation that I want!
luquillo78 said:
Calves are excellet! Cycles?
How tall are you?

Thanks man, Im 5'7. Before I even started dieting, I have ran a few Winstrol only cycles, which most wouldn't agree with, but I loved it. I have ran DNP. I did a bulker immediately after those pics and I ran 12 weeks of Test E at 300/wk and EQ at 200/wk which I learned is way too low on EQ to see anything. I ran a little drol for 8-10 days on that cycle, but didn't like it and stopped. I gained 45lbs on that bulker and loved it and still looked real lean.
hahahah worm or no worm, those calves are great ;)
congrats to you for losing that fat and making such great progress; that's almost a 100lb loss over time. you deserve major props for your dedication. good luck with your future goals; you look fantastic!
looking great bro....

GREAT CALVES wish my calves were half the size ..

Mabey try hitting quads once a week but squat deep and squat hard....

As far as thigh seperation those quads up even more then just diet diet diet and you will be money.

great job you look great brotha
Thanks again for all the comments. LOL worm on calve. It does look like one, but its the Leo symbol. As of right now, my bodyfat is around 10-11% at 180lbs. My training routine when I cut is kind like this.
Mon. Chest, Shoulders, Tris, Abs
Tues. Back, Bis
Wednesday. Legs, Forearms, Abs
Thursday. Repeat above.
This comes out to Monday through Saturday. This is pretty grueling and some would say that you are overtraining, but I grew well on this routine. I hit 4 exercises per body part as well.
You see, I am a firm believer that you always have to eat well and never mass at high bf. When I mass, I gain muscle and of course water, fat, and when Im done I diet down and shed excess fat and then bulk again. If you want to look at an example, look at needsize's pics. Even when he is bulking, he could still go swimming and have people shit their pants. Thats what Im going for. It just takes time man.
just wanted to say you have a nice atheletic build bro, wicked calves by the way dude... hard work pays off..
damn, former fat people always have awesome calves...Great job on losing all that weight, ur looking very tight so keep up the good work.
riprockwell said:
Thanks again for all the comments. LOL worm on calve. It does look like one, but its the Leo symbol. As of right now, my bodyfat is around 10-11% at 180lbs. My training routine when I cut is kind like this.
Mon. Chest, Shoulders, Tris, Abs
Tues. Back, Bis
Wednesday. Legs, Forearms, Abs
Thursday. Repeat above.
This comes out to Monday through Saturday. This is pretty grueling and some would say that you are overtraining, but I grew well on this routine. I hit 4 exercises per body part as well.
You see, I am a firm believer that you always have to eat well and never mass at high bf. When I mass, I gain muscle and of course water, fat, and when Im done I diet down and shed excess fat and then bulk again. If you want to look at an example, look at needsize's pics. Even when he is bulking, he could still go swimming and have people shit their pants. Thats what Im going for. It just takes time man.

Thats the exact same line of thinking I'm going with. My routine is almost identical to yours also. I'm still in the process of finding out what diet works for me though, thats my only problem. As soon as I get the diet down to a T its time to bring in the gear.
Thanks again guys. To be honest with you, Winstrol didn't affect my sex drive at all. I always recommend post cycle therapy (pct) though. I have done about 4 Winstrol only cycles and the first one, I gained around 12 pounds and I looked really lean too. Of course, I was dieting and doing cardio so that was 90% of it.