Chaz B said:
Thats the exact same line of thinking I'm going with. My routine is almost identical to yours also. I'm still in the process of finding out what diet works for me though, thats my only problem. As soon as I get the diet down to a T its time to bring in the gear.

Thats good man. Thats what most people don't understand. You see, most people that are fat think that they bring on the gear and get ripped and lose weight, but it all starts with diet and foundation. I have known guys that have done 10 times more gear than me and if you looked at them you wouldn't even be able to tell. They don't train or diet right. That workout routine is killer isnt it? Goodluck brother!
you say that those pics are you at 150,, you have any more recent of you at 180? .. would like to see and compare as i'm also 5'7" 180lbs.. thanks...
Lil boy said:
you say that those pics are you at 150,, you have any more recent of you at 180? .. would like to see and compare as i'm also 5'7" 180lbs.. thanks...

Actually I haven't taken any since I massed. I have been lagging. I am getting ready to start a 12 wk cycle in a couple of months and I am trying to break 200, which I know I can break if I bust my ass. I will post some up after this cycle and hopefully I will have a 50lb gain compared to the pics.
your calves shows you r paying ur dues in d gym.good job bro.make sure u post ur pics when u reach ur 200lb goal
you have great calfs, great legs.. But you really need to work on your back, Lower and upper, Large.. Keep up the great work man! :)
big-tymer said:
you have great calfs, great legs.. But you really need to work on your back, Lower and upper, Large.. Keep up the great work man! :)

Yeah man. The thing is, I have spent so much time cutting and I haven't done very much heavy lifting. Now that I dieted down, I can do more compound movements like squats, deadlifts and heavy back rows. I also really want my traps a lot bigger, but we'll see what I can do with this next cycle!! Thanks for the comments though man. Appreciate it!
great bodyfat % nice work, would like to see how you lookm at 180, wondering if you are still cut and, it would be interesting put your recent pics up.
calves look great man, and the triceps are sweet, its my favorite bodypart by far, and they look really defined. keep it up. lower back.
great calves... Sometimes I wish I'd have been a fat-to-fit instead of a skinny-to-fit so I could have larger calves... Large people seem to really benefit from that extra weight in building a huge set of calves
Thanks fellas. I appreciate the comments. I have had some health issues since the pics but I am getting my shit back on track. Started testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) this last Monday to fix a hormonal roller coaster. Ready to start feeling good again. I will be posting some progress pics as I move along.
greate calves man .. god genes .. you dont need to do much to buid leg muscels.. the back need mor depth work..
Damn!! bro you look ripped like a MOFO! those calves look massive as fuck good work my man,.
Damn dude! Help a brother out! I have been trying everything to get my calves to grow. Just finished up my 3rd cycle and I still don't feel like they have grown.(sure some of it's mental) What is your calve routine, give us the secret sauce.