Damn dude! Help a brother out! I have been trying everything to get my calves to grow. Just finished up my 3rd cycle and I still don't feel like they have grown.(sure some of it's mental) What is your calve routine, give us the secret sauce.

sometimes its genentic my friend.. thats calves,,
but keep working hard,,
sometimes its genentic my friend.. thats calves,,
but keep working hard,,

I know I hear that a lot. My calves are my weak link. I am just hoping that one day I will find something that blows them up. Hopefully RIP will give me something I haven't tried yet!
BomBom, - thanks man, I appreciate. I really need to work on my back. Got in a bad motorcycle accident in 2006 and fractured my lower back. Still working my butt off on it to keep it growing. Problem is I can't lift too heavy and I don't want surgery.

Pinga - Thanks for the nice words. I appreciate it. I am trying to diet back down now to see if I see any improvement on them. We will see. Got some thyroid issues I am trying to fix out so I will keep everyone updated.

Kristofer68ss - For quads, I am doing squats and leg presses as my cores and some leg extensions and some ham string extensions as well. My quads are a lot bigger. Hopefully I will see how my work has paid off when I diet back down again. I want a lot more definition in my quads.

Tony - I hear you on that chili. Hell, chili can really make your quads grow when you factor in how often you are squatting to take another shit. Lol. Calves will get there though. I am waiting on my Quads to grow.

MindoverMatter - what really helped me build my calves was bicycling and very heavy weight exercises. One strategy I have learned over the years is a proper way to walk to work your calves. Every single time I take a step, I always flex my calves. You can actually do it so you don't look like an idiot walking with a stick up your ass. I will also be at work and constantly flex my calves. Started doing it with my Biceps and over time I could see more definition. This is something Arnold has preached over the years. As far as my routine:

I workout Calves 2 times per week. I do four exercises such as:

Standing Calf raises - 6 sets of 6-8 reps max. I always go heavy on Calves.
Seated Calf Raises - 6 sets of 6-8 reps max.
Get on Leg Press machine and do Vertical Calf Raises - I do 6 sets of 6-8 reps max.
I then get on a bicycle and ride it for 5 miles and every time I pedal, I squeeze my calve muscles.

Note - When I do 6 set exercises, I alternate the angles of my lifts. For example, on the Standing Calf raises, I will do 2 sets with my feet pigeon toed to work the outer parts of my calves and then I will do 2 sets with my feet pointed out to work the inner calves and then I will do 2 sets with my feet straight. It is important to go down all the way and squeeze up for a few seconds. Most people I see doing calves do them way to fast. They need to be slow and controlled in my opinion. You have to work your way up as far as weight. I believe if you want them to grow, you have to lift them heavy. Just again, play it smart building up strength on them otherwise they will cripple your walking game you will be so sore.

It seems like people are so afraid to go heavy on the calves. My analogy is that we walk all damn day and that works your calves. So why is there no growth?? I believe it is because people are afraid to work them out really hard and go heavy with them. Keep doing the constant flexing throughout the day and when you walk and you will see wonders. Hope this helps.