Meet results
IPA Senior National Championships
York PA
HAd the flu and a cold. Nice timing. THe meet still went well.
Opened with 440: SMoked it but forgot to take off my thumbloops. Gene Rychlak was the head judge. He called it, fortuantly before the lift had started. I think I got the slowest press command ever.
2nd attempt 470 world record attempt: NIce lift. It went smotthly with only slight hessitation in the trasition portion of the movement. 3 white lights. IPA world record!
3rd attempt: While 475-485 would have been smart and doable, I figured what the hell. I did what I came here to do. Let's let it all hang out. I went for 500. Didn't get it but made my first atempt ever at a 500 bench. It will fall soon enough though.
Thanks to SHawn lattimer, Joe checlovski and Iron asylum gym.
Oh yeah, videos on the way.
Now on a side note some of my training partners set records too. JOe Chec benched an equipped 560@148. NOw that is mind boggling.