Test/D-bol Cycle Log !! Results will be incredible

@Dfeaton and Hardtimes

Thanks for following my log, enjoy it. And thanks for your comments but please quit bitching each other, if you want to continue just use PMs.
@Dfeaton and Hardtimes

Thanks for following my log, enjoy it. And thanks for your comments but please quit bitching each other, if you want to continue just use PMs.

Yea, can't believe I fell into that. My original post meant no disrespect to you. I only meant to be helpful. Best of luck to you again.

Its all good man, I got it the good way, it was a constructive comment, no problems.

Thanks for your encouragements.
Update #1

Pin days will be Sunday and Wednesday, I got a nurse friend who pin for me. Cant believe how nice she is. First pin went well, I thought it was gonna be WAY WORSE than it was ... I barely felt nothing except the needle piercing the skin. I started the dbol yesterday at 40mg/day. Now I cant wait next pinning day hahahah

I did not massage after injection and now i am a little bit sore. Im gonna take a warm shower i guess its gonna help.

I will post the picture of my leg tonight hopefully.
Update #2

Day #1

Monday I did pec/biceps, the pump was incredible. The strength had suffered from my flu on last weekend tho. I couldnt charge alot on bench, I did 300x8, I used to do 310x10. It will catch up im not worried much about it. Im not crazy but I think I could feel the Dbol pump when I did my biceps even if it only been 2 days since I started. Arms were so much pumped.

Day #2

Tuesday I fell asleep at 6pm just after dinner so I missed my workout, I've read on it and I think dbol make me more tired than usual. I saw that drinking alot of water can resolve this. Im at it !!

Day #3

I just did shoulder and tri's. I didnt see any change in shoulder workout, looks normal. Used 105's for 6reps and 110's for 4 reps. Used to do 120's for 8 reps tho. Gotta catch up on this!!!! Triceps went well, The pump was awesome, I'll see what happens in the next day but I think I might start bloating a little bit. We'll see, training went well. Weight is still the same, well I was 182 last weeks, Caught a bad flu then dropped to 172, Im back to like 174.
I must say I'm excited to see how this goes. You have such great natty size. You could be the next DaHurt as far as cycle gains go. Good luck
Update #3

Second pin went well, my personal nurse couldnt do it for me tho I had to do it haha

Much more stress than pain, i could say no pain at all but still worrying about pinning at the good place, did it in the quad. Hope it will be without any problems.
Looks like some decent quad size bud. Keep updating with pics - that's what makes logs interesting!

Dbol definitely made me very tired...but the worst was back pumps, especially on heavy deads!
Thanks brother, yeah i will, when you stopped taking dbol did you feel your energy coming back? it sucks being tired all day long, i can still handle it good. By chance i've always been motivated going to the gym and keeping my diet in check.

Cant wait for the test to kick in !! Should happen by week 4 if everything is normal?
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BRo looking great natty and your cycle hope put in you on even better shape. I`m sub for this one...good luck
Coming in late on this one, but will be following your progress!
Glad you're over the flu. Being that sick sucks big time!
Thanks brother, yeah i will, when you stopped taking dbol did you feel your energy coming back? it sucks being tired all day long, i can still handle it good. By chance i've always been motivated going to the gym and keeping my diet in check.

Cant wait for the test to kick in !! Should happen by week 4 if everything is normal?

The lethargy definitely subsided when I stopped the dbol finally. I would say I could really notice the test by week 5...but it's not like this amazing burst...it comes on slow and steady but it is awesome :D
@Piki & MT-momma Thanks for following !!

@Dahurt Alright cant wait for further weeks !!:P

I gotta ask you something tho Im having a normal PIP like I had on shoulder few days ago. I can walk and climb stair and when I put pressure on it the ache is bad. It looks like my right quad is swollen(Like if i had a big quad pump). There is no abcess or red or blue color on it, just a swollen quad. Is it because the oil hasnt fully entered the muscle yet? I have no fever also and feeling well.

I will take a hot shower and will try to massage it to make it disappear.

Forgot to mention, Quad is looking really normal until I flex it.

Should I worry?

Give me your thoughts please
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No worries on the pip Bro. It's a virgin muscle reaction. I did a quad inject when I started Trt. I had the same reaction. It took almost a full week to feel 100%. I think this is why most pin glutes, but some still love quad injects & has no effect on them. I used ice & stretched the quad seemed to help.
Ok thanks alot

Yeah this morning it feels better a little. I applied hot water and massaged it and it helped. I thought it might be an infection but it is just a regular PIP. I love pinning quads tho ill stick with it and shoulders.