Ronnie coleman' steroid cycle.


New member
ive just read on a website that this was basically Ronnie coleman's cycle,im not 100% sure but im gonna let you guys decide. Now obviously when hes prepping for a comp he will add cutting steroids and change it but this is apparently just his and some other pro's cycle' but the website wasn't aloud to name who else was on this cycle but im bored and thought id let you guys have a ganda at it...

Testosterone| Equipoise | Anadrol | Growth Hormone| Insulin

(week 1)
2,400mgs 900mgs 100mgs 8-10iu 10iu

(week 2)
2,400mgs 900mgs 100mgs 8-10iu 10iu

(week 3)
1,600mgs 900mgs 100mgs 8-10iu 10iu

(week 4)
1,600mgs 900mgs 100mgs 8-10iu 10iu

(week 5)
1,600mgs 900mgs 100mgs 8-10iu 10iu

(week 6)
1,600mgs 900mgs 100mgs 8-10iu 10iu

(week 7)
1,600mgs 900mgs - 8-10iu 10iu

(week 8)
1,600mgs 900mgs - 8-10iu 10iu

(week 9)
1,600mgs 900mgs - 8-10iu 10iu

(week 10)
1,600mgs 900mgs - 8-10iu 10iu

(week 11)
1,600mgs 900mgs - 8-10iu 10iu

what do you guys think ? personally I think Ronnie was on ALOT of gear compared to other bodybuilders but whatever he was still the greatest and probably the strongest bodybuilder ever,ronnie was different to the others he was just unbelievably strong,check out videos of him on youtube.
Alot of people want to know a particular bodybuilder's "cycle" in hopes of getting to their stage. But the truth is even if you knew their cycle you wouldn't get there, you still need diet, dedication and hard work. I can almost guarantee you that steroids are the very last of the equation and no pro starts their path by going "let's get the right chemicals".
highly doubt he is on something as toxic as anadrol. but ya i believe he is on over 2g of test a week.. crazy. i remember watching one of his workout dvd's and he was organizing his pill box for his natty supps. pretty much a bunch of vitamins etc BUT he mentioned he was on 2 different statin drugs to keep him "healthy" Lol. he didnt mention Blood pressure meds tho i am positive he is on at least one, maybe even 2. at his size Bp will always be an issue.
hws all natty bro!!.. lol i was hanging out with kai greene last week at bevs gym.. hes a monster.. ive never seen lats that big in.person n shit i walk partial sideways tru doors but.i.looked like an infant compared to him..
highly doubt he is on something as toxic as anadrol. but ya i believe he is on over 2g of test a week.. crazy. i remember watching one of his workout dvd's and he was organizing his pill box for his natty supps. pretty much a bunch of vitamins etc BUT he mentioned he was on 2 different statin drugs to keep him "healthy" Lol. he didnt mention Blood pressure meds tho i am positive he is on at least one, maybe even 2. at his size Bp will always be an issue.

Anadrol is not as toxic as we've been led to believe. It's been studied at doses of 150mg to 200mg for 12 months.
It's true. Even natty black guys look great. There's some kind of unfair advantage here.

Black men tend to have higher natural testosterone too. Some speculate it's due to centuries of breeding for strength and stamina. Totally agree with Austinite on the anadrol. Most orals are about the same with regards to toxicity overall.
I highly doubt that is what he used. Probably something somebody made up. He's probably taking more like 15-20 iu of pharm grade growth and I would think he would be on more testosterone than that at 12 weeks out. 100mg of drol is not much for a guy his size(was). I don't know about the slin but good read who knows what he really took. Had to have been a lot of growth that's for sure.
Alot of people want to know a particular bodybuilder's "cycle" in hopes of getting to their stage. But the truth is even if you knew their cycle you wouldn't get there, you still need diet, dedication and hard work. I can almost guarantee you that steroids are the very last of the equation and no pro starts their path by going "let's get the right chemicals".

In all reality bodybuilding is based on drugs and genetics now a days. Hard work is there as well but without the drugs and genetics you'll get no where. My buddy drinks sodas and mows down cookies and taco bell and just trains hard in the gym; he's 220lbs pretty lean and build as hell... yet I eat as clean as possible weight same as him but look 30lbs lighter even though I am much stronger. Genetics are a bitch. Still respected as all these pros work ridiculously hard in the gym and out.