jul said:
I mix my chest exercises up between flat and incline. I am not sure why women wouldn't do flat. I do. In my opinion, women shouldn't train any differently than men.
I remember reading somewhere that women shouldn't do flat bench or flies, something about bone structure or something, it was a while back, I don't remember.
Anyway, I started her on day 1 yesterday, the routine is as follows, let me know if you have any suggestions or comments.
Day 1 Chest, Shoulders, Tries
3 sets of each exercise, all sets are supposed to be : Set 1 & 2 15 reps and set 3 10 reps to failure.
Excuse the lack of proper names for the exercises.
Chest Press (machine)
Fly machine
Sitting dumbbell press (shoulders)
Lateral Raises (side)
Lateral Raises (front)
Triceps dumbbell extension over head
Cable push (triceps)
It comes to a total of 21 sets which may be a little too much for her? So I told her she could do either the side lateral raises or the front lateral raises and switch them up every other time.
I hope this will be a good start for her, any comments?