Rui clomid for pct


New member
I know rui is great , but im just looking for a little reassurance , especialy with how important post cycle therapy (pct) is . Just wondering has anyone ever done post cycle therapy (pct) using strictly rui clomid and
recovered sucessfuly . Thanks guys , realy looking for some help as post cycle therapy (pct) is more important than the cycle and im having trouble getting pill clomid , even got ripped off a few times , ive heard
they are good , looking to hear a little more info thanks
I'm sure it is man . My next post cycle therapy (pct) is going to be all rui also , I haven't read any bad feedback from them . If their stuff was not any good I'm sure there would be ALOT of dudes on here complaining .
do you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) when using clomid? I was told this a while back which has always made me stray from clomid and stick with nolva
do you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) when using clomid? I was told this a while back which has always made me stray from clomid and stick with nolva

no u dont need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for clomid, it does not aromatase
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RUI is legit. I just finished PCT with just their liquid clomid. Stuff tastes absolutely horrible but its no worse than pinning.
dam all these years ive been a solid nolva user, about time i switch everyone seems to prefer clomid.
thanks fancy
yeah alot of people seem to prefer clomid , but when using it in pct for 4 weeks , you shouldnt be running and dont need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is used to block over abundance of estrogen conversion on cycle , but in pct , you still need some estrogen conversion and this is where clomid works to allow some conversion to happen selectively
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