Runner here trying to lose belly fat....Ephedra

Turbo Travis

New member
Hey guys! I have always had a belly on me(bigger when I do not work out) and i'm finially getting sick of it. Currently I run about 3 miles a week every weekday and do some longer runs on the weekends for a total of about 20-25 miles a week. I have some original Stacker 2 unopened from about 8 years ago, still unopnened. Should I try it? How much should I take? It should not be expired should it? Thank you!


EDIT-when and how much should I take? Thanks.
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8 years? do you really have to ask this question?

get some fresh ephedrine hcl and caffiene tabs and do a search for "ECA stack".
Suareezay said:
8 years? do you really have to ask this question?

get some fresh ephedrine hcl and caffiene tabs and do a search for "ECA stack".

There is no expiration date on the bottle, that's why I asked.
Turbo Travis said:
There is no expiration date on the bottle, that's why I asked.
why would you put anything thats 8 years old into your body...besides things that "get better with age" like wine. I cant say for sure, but i seriously doubt stacker 2 is one of those things.
Suareezay said:
why would you put anything thats 8 years old into your body...besides things that "get better with age" like wine. I cant say for sure, but i seriously doubt stacker 2 is one of those things.

Fair enough. What product do you reccomend then? Are any of the products that contain 25MG of ephedra going to do "basically" the same job then? I appreciate the help.
Some people simply can't avoid belly-fat; if you're one of those, then you'll have a tough time of it. Try ephedrine tabs alone first. See how this suits you. If you have access to clen, try that. If you've got bling, get some HGH and maybe spot inject in your belly for 4 months - ha, good luck. If none of this works or is feasible to you, then do as suareezay said and stack eph + caf...but you may get the shakes. Also, diet - needless to say.
Ponderosa said:
Some people simply can't avoid belly-fat; if you're one of those, then you'll have a tough time of it. Try ephedrine tabs alone first. See how this suits you. If you have access to clen, try that. If you've got bling, get some HGH and maybe spot inject in your belly for 4 months - ha, good luck. If none of this works or is feasible to you, then do as suareezay said and stack eph + caf...but you may get the shakes. Also, diet - needless to say.

Sorry for the newbie questions, but what is the diffrence between a product with ephedra vs a product with ephedrine and/or ephedrine and caffine pills? I see that Stacker 2 is still available some places along with similar products. Thank you all for the help.

best thing i can recommend is change your running to hitt or even power walk, your body probably has adapted to running if it had not you would lose your gut, do your cardio in the AM FASTED STATE, take 25mg e 200 caf 80 asprin, also get liquid L-carnitine 1000mg of that, 600 mg of green tea extract, 20 minutes later get that cardio done be ready to put in 45-60min if losing fat is your goal do it. You will sweat like mad, go home drink some h20 take a shower and have your first meal after 30 minutes. Also add cla. Cla is the only thing i take seperate i take it at bedtime.

other mentionables, if you drink beer or regular soda you will fail, i you eat crap you will fail, Set your body as the priority if you find losing your gut will make you happy and knowing in the end that feeling of taking off your shirt at a pool party is more satisifying than your beer pop or pizza you will succeed you can do it if you want it. This board has great advice and many very smart people. Good luck, hope this post helps out many have helped me KARMA
I just started running again seriously only a month ago and already have lost weight without any suppliments, so I am headed in the right track. Last year I ran not as hard as I am now and ate ALOT worse and still got my weight with eating better, running harder/farther, and a suppliment I am sure I will see even better gains then last year. My diet is improving, I have about 1-2 sodas a week and a few mixed drinks at the bar each weekend. Other then that it is just water and my muscle milk in the morning.
Ponderosa said:
Some people simply can't avoid belly-fat; if you're one of those, then you'll have a tough time of it. Try ephedrine tabs alone first. See how this suits you. If you have access to clen, try that. If you've got bling, get some HGH and maybe spot inject in your belly for 4 months - ha, good luck. If none of this works or is feasible to you, then do as suareezay said and stack eph + caf...but you may get the shakes. Also, diet - needless to say.
why would you try EC as a last resort to clen and HGH? wtf
Ok, need to check in here...I took one of the Stacker 2 pills at 3pm yesterday after breakfast...felt a little jittery, to be expected right? Took another at 7pm, checked blood pressure at 730, was normal, went running at 8pm for 5 miles good run..

Went to the local bar and had a 3 drinks over a 4 hour period, and got WAY WAY loaded(would normally take 5 drinks to get as drunk as I was, possibly 6). Could not sleep at all...stayed up all night, did not eat for 24 appitite. I can't think the Stacker 2 GAINED potency, can only think it's the drinking? I messed up somewhere.
Turbo Travis said:
I messed up somewhere.
i think you messed up by taking 8 year old pills. I have no idea whether or not they are still effective, or are safe, but they are 8 year old pills. Use some common sense. Seriously man. ephedrine costs $8, its not that big of a purchase.
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Suareezay said:
8 years? do you really have to ask this question?

get some fresh ephedrine hcl and caffiene tabs and do a search for "ECA stack".
I'm confident that the medicine/drug/whatever is still 99%+ potent.

The stuff is fine. Throwing it away would be a waste.
mranak said:
I'm confident that the medicine/drug/whatever is still 99%+ potent.

The stuff is fine. Throwing it away would be a waste.
you could be i said, i have no idea, but i wouldnt bother with something 8 years old, but thats just me.
I'm fairly confident it's potent also, I'm just curious if the effects that I experienced were 'normal'....? Maybe I will take just one next time and see how that works. I actually felt fine until I had the drinks...
take a bunch of stimulants and go get drunk. so youre the type of person those disclaimer labels are for. i always wondered that.
Suareezay said:
take a bunch of stimulants and go get drunk. so youre the type of person those disclaimer labels are for. i always wondered that.

Asshole, I had 2 Stacker 2 pills that day, the last one being at 7pm and had 3 drinks over a fairly long period. Was not trying to get drunk.