I think you may be running into a few problems, incorrect diet, I have yet to hear anything about your weight training program (are you on one?), drinking alcohol, not getting enough sleep and an inconsistant supplement program.
Remember, in most men, the first place we put on fat is our belly and it's the last place it comes off. That said, you have to really plan out a good program and stick to it if you want six pac abs. I'm not knocking you....most people don't have the discipline to do it....but you seem like you may be ready to give it a shot. Here is a general outline of what you should do to maximize your results IMHO:
Diet: 6 small meals per day of nutrient dense, quality calories. Keep protien at 1 gram per pound of body weight and cut out carbs at night. Avoid fatty foods and supplement with fish/flax/sesamin oil.
Weight training: at least 3 times per week. You will find that if you build muscle, you will inturn loose body fat at a much greater rate than cardio alone.
Cardio: 4-5 times per week, and I agree with the previous posting, swith to a HIT type of cardio....much more effective IMO.
Supplements: Their is no better legal fat burning stack than the tried and true E/C/A stack. I have used this time and time again with great results.
You also have to control cortisol. This will put on stuborn belly fat fast. Cardio increases this hormone as does stress and lack of sleep. I have used a Supplement called "Lean Extream" by Designer Supplements with great success. If your belly fat is a result of to much cortisol, this will help eliminate it. Be careful though not to take too much as the idea is to control cortisol, not eleminate it.
The fish/flax/sesamine oil will provide your body with essential fatty acids that help to break down fat in your system.
Alcohol consuption: limit to 2 drinks a week max. I would cut it out all together though.
I could go into much greater detail with this program but I have given you enough to do some research and come up with what will work with your schedule, budget and level of motivation.
I wish you the best of luck...