Sarm Search Sarms s4 log XXX

Reading your experience already makes me want to pick up more of this! I was just going back through pictures the other day and realized I looked the most cut that I have in the last year and a half when I was running S4. Can't get any better quality than Sarmssearch.. enjoy the run man and I'll be following!
Hmm well now that poses another question, would there be a synergistic effect when combining anavar and s4? Or are there certain things you would avoid combining the sarms with?

Considering I feel s4 gives similar results, it would be a waste of time doing this.
Hit the gym today was intending on doing back and hitting shoulders tomorrow. It's day 4 and the S4 decided to kick in full swing today. Not only was strength up, but endurance kicked in today. The 2 days I consider the most strenuous are back and shoulders and I completed both in the same workout. I was pouring sweat bouncing from set to set not waiting over a minute between sets. I was getting some crazy stares, like wtf is this guy on. Amazing amazing workout. I didn't want to destroy my calorie count so after doing 2 muscle group workouts at the same time I skipped cardio.

Today I dosed 25mg in the morning on a empty stomach and 25mg preworkout. I couldn't tell a difference between the 25mg and 50mg preworkout so I'll coast at this dose for a week or 2 and see what happens.

Hell yeah! You'll love it. I love S4, it's my favorite sarms hands down. I feel like a superhero on it! Not to mention carved out of granite!
My kids stayed the night at my mom's, so after dropping them off I made a gym run. I hit chest and tris last night. It was epic. Endurance was through the roof. I changed my routine and went heavy. I could feel the muscle contractions deep into the muscle. I threw in some things I don't normally do. Looking in the mirror on day 6 legitimately shocked me. I leaner and significantly more muscular.
Well I'm sick as shit today. Can't keep anything down at all. No fever no aches, just nausea and upset stomach. So as much as it sucks I won't be making a gym run today. Being that I have no fever it's most likely a fast acting virus which is a plus on the upside. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be over it and capable of returning to the gym.
Subscribing. I actually hit up psizzle about getting in on the log deal. I'd love to give this a go after my helladrol cycle is done.

I can't emphasize enough the quality of thier product man. It's noticeable improvement every few days. I really think you'd impressed with a sarms.
I can't emphasize enough the quality of thier product man. It's noticeable improvement every few days. I really think you'd impressed with a sarms.

If she's down I'll drop the Hella for now and do the s4 or s4/gw. I can always hop back on the hella later. I've been on for less than a week, so no biggie. Just waiting for her reply. My only concern would be that I'm a welder and I need my eyes working!
So i blasted bicepts last night. Looking vascular as shit now. Up 20lbs on my curl sets without loosing any reps. Between school work and clinicals I've had to settle for roast beef sandwiches with apples. Partly healthy meals you'd most likely be eating on bulk. My calorie have been way over what they should be but I've added no fat what so ever. The only thing I've done is blow the fug up. Some of my classmates have ask wtf are you doing you're bigger every time I see you. I just smile and say s4 bro s4. Lmao good stuff enjoying the hell out of this amazing stuff.
If the S4 is this good I can only imagine what the lgd maybe like on bulk, I have every intention on getting my hands on some of that as soon as this is almost out.
So it looks like I got the last spot for the SS loggers. I dropped the hella for now and waiting to get the S4 and GW to run together. I'm excited to give this a go. I think it is the perfect time in my recomp.

I hope this is every bit as effective as you say it is! Can't wait for it to show up.
So it looks like I got the last spot for the SS loggers. I dropped the hella for now and waiting to get the S4 and GW to run together. I'm excited to give this a go. I think it is the perfect time in my recomp.

I hope this is every bit as effective as you say it is! Can't wait for it to show up.

It is brother. My before and after pics are going to shock some people. My 10 day later pic shocked me. I'll be watching your log for sure!
Had a awesome shoulder workout, done 3 sets of overhead shoulder presses @135 until failure then 3 sets @115 then moved to some dumbbells exercises. Finished on the cable machine. My shoulders are becoming much more defined and I'm getting some pretty nice deep cuts.

As of now I'm adding size and leaning up at the same time. The S4 is doing its job x10
Holy fuq. I'm running this directly after my upcoming PH cycle

It's real deal bro. I couldn't be running aas with anymore success then I am S4 solo. A few of these guys are about to start a stack. I was like wow....that's gonna give some crazy results.
^^^ s4 is one of those things that just hits you quick which is why I love it. Osta is great for steady, quality gains, while the s4 hardens you up and pops those veins out. Such a great combo.
^^^ s4 is one of those things that just hits you quick which is why I love it. Osta is great for steady, quality gains, while the s4 hardens you up and pops those veins out. Such a great combo.

^ agreed! That's why the s4 is my favorite. Don't care how many times I've said it, I'll say it over and over lol. GW is a close second place.

Keep up the good work on the log!
so today i made it in to the gym pretty early, right after class. ive recently started bringing meals with me that i just eat during lecture...yes i actually do that. And no i dont get odd stares it more of a respectful stare. ive been complemented many times on how i eat. So i havent been workingout on a empty stomach which has been great. strong hard workouts. i swapped up my routine and done machines and concentration flys before my bench to fatigue the pecs as much as possible. then i done sets around 12-15 it burnt nicely. every day my physique is better then the day before. i absolutely couldnt be getting any better results.