8 weeks LGD log (sponsored)

Day 11: 4mg in the morning

Weight: 81,1 kg

Sleep: REALLY FUCKING BAD!!! 2 hours, went to bed early, 6AM and can't fall asleep, woke up at 9AM.

Supression: My balls are a bit smaller, but I'm felling good.

Manage to nap for 20mins before workout and take a fresh cold shower.

PM Workout
4x5 Front Sotts Press: Up to 30kg
Paused Front Squats w/slow eccentric(3s): 4x85kg / 4x100kg / 3x3 105kg
Overhead Squats: 3x50kg / 3x60kg / 2x70kg (I can do more and go heavier, but my wrists are bothering me)
Jerk Dips/Holds: 10x70kg / 10x110kg / 10x130kg / 10x150kg / 5+5s(hold) 170kg / 5s+5dips 190kg / 2x10s(hold) 200kg (I use this exercise to strengthen my upper back, core and lunges, plus the weight feels ligther on Clean & Jerk)
Shoulder Press: 5x50kg / 3x5 60kg / 4x65kg(PR but fail rep 5)
Weighted GHD Back Extensions: 5x10 20kg (bar behind the neck)
Strict Leg Raises(ABS): 1x6 (I was beated up, and without energy due to lack os sleep)

Tough day, but the workout went good, I was tired from the last 3 days, but the lack of sleep killed me.
Looks like my BW went almost 1.2kg up in just 11 days. My legs are bigger than before, and I notice that on my underwear. Some veins start to showing on my forearms and biceps.
Im going to sleep right now, this night can't be worst than the night before, I will take 5mg of melatonine and 1g of taurine to help me sleep.
Hoping you got some good sleep dude! I have the same struggles being a shift worker. Never a great nights sleep for me. Seems like I'm always trying to get in a solid worout on minimal sleep..
Day 12: 4mg in the morning

Weight: 81,2 kg

Sleep: Good 7h of sleep

Supression: My balls are a bit smaller, but I'm felling good.

Rest Day

Day 13: 4mg in the morning, 30mins before workout

Weight: 81,0 kg

Sleep: Good 7h of sleep

Supression: My balls are a bit smaller, but I'm felling good.

AM Workout
Paused Back Squats w/slow eccentric(3s): 4x100kg / 4x115 kg / 4x131kg / 3x140kg / 2x145kg(PR)
5" Deficit Snatch Deadlift: 4x4 100kg
Romanian Deadlift: 2x4 120kg / 2x4 130kg / 1x4 140kg
Deficit Hand Stand Push Ups: 1x5 @ 3" / 1x5 @ 4" / 1x5 @ 5" / 1x5 @ 6" / 1x4 @ 8" (PR, but fail rep number 5)
Inverted Planks with 25kg on my hips: 5x1min

Day 14: 4mg in the morning

Weight: 81,8 kg (I eat like a beast yesterday, plus cheat meal)

Sleep: Good 7h of sleep.

Supression: My balls are a bit smaller, but I'm felling good.

Rest day

Ok guys, after somedays with poor sleep I start eating right before bed, a protein shake, rice and peanut or cashew butter. Somehow my sleeping problems goes away and I get a really good 3 days of sleeping.
Like you can see, I cut some volume in my workouts and I think that help me with sleep to.

2 weeks in, and I don't notice any side effect, libido is high, I don't feel hunger all the time, my joints feel really god, especially my knee and ankle, my flexibility is better. My mood is really god. Almost gain 2kg and I look leaner.
I'm really happy with that.
Gaining and looking leaner?? Winning! Glad to see the improved sleep too!

Yes, I gain almost 2kg and look leaner, maybe because I'm not hungry all the time like some users report, my diet is the same before LGD, same macros, same amount of food, same type of food, I just add 1 more meal in the last 4 days, and my sleep in on point now.
Day 15: 4mg in the morning

Weight: 81,4 kg

Sleep: Good 5h of sleep, only 5 but I sleep really well, felling fresh in the morning

Supression: My balls are a bit smaller, but I'm felling good.

PM Workout

Paused Back Squats w/slow eccentric(3s): 4x100kg / 4x115kg / 4x4 131kg
Snatch Deadlift: 5x70kg / 2x5 100kg / 1x5 110kg / 1x5 120kg
Shoulder Press: 3x5 60kg / 1x5 65kg(PR, easy)
Leg Raises: 3x10

I don't have much to say today. Short workout, new rep PR on shoulder press.
Don't notice any shoulder pain today, and that was great.
Day 16: 4mg in the morning

Weight: 81,4 kg

Sleep: Good, Almost 9h

Supression: My balls are a bit smaller, but I'm felling good.

PM Workout

Good Mornings: 2x10 40kg / 1x10 50kg / 1x10 60kg / 2x6 70kg / 1x6 80kg
Paused Back Squats w/slow eccentric(3s): 3x100kg / 3x115kg / 3x3 131kg
Klokov Trapy: 2x10 40kg / 2x10 50kg
Lunges: 1x10 e/l 40kg / 2x8 e/l 60kg
Barbell Side Bends: 1x10 e/s 35kg / 3x10 e/s 40kg
GHD Back Extensions w/ barbell BTN: 1x10 20kg / 3x10 30kg

Today I felt really strong on good mornings.
My GF said that my skin looks better/cleaner, and she don't know I'm running LGD
Day 16:My GF said that my skin looks better/cleaner, and she don't know I'm running LGD

You're not the first person I've seen say that about sarms and skin quality.. That's always a plus when we start looking better. Still diggin the detail of this log. Keep it up man!
Day 17: 5mg in the morning

Weight: 81,5 kg

Sleep: Good, 5h at night, +1:30h before workout

Supression: My balls are a bit smaller, but I'm felling good.

PM Workout

Paused Front Squats w/slow eccentric(3s): 4x85kg / 4x100kg / 2x3 112kg(Easy)
Deadlifts: 5x100kg / 5x120kg / 5x140kg / 2x5 150kg
Steated Good Mornings: 6x50kg / 6x60kg / 2x6 70kg / 6x80kg / 6x85kg(PR)
Planks: 3x1min

Today I upped the dose to 5mg to see how my body react. All I have to say is, FUCK! My erectores got soo pumped after seated good morings like I never had before.
I feel even stronger today.
Tomorrow I will drop to 4mg again, and stick to the cycle, and only up to 5mg on day 28.
... and yet even more pr's!! Solid work dude!!! I just keep staring at my bottle of LGD... The temptation is getting stronger each time I open your log..
Day 18: 4mg in the morning

Weight: 81,8 kg

Sleep: Good, 6h

Supression: My balls are a bit smaller, but I'm felling good.

PM Workout

Paused Back Squats w/slow eccentric(3s): 4x100kg / 4x115kg / 1x4 131kg / 1x4 140kg
RDL: 4x4 140kg
Push Press: 4x60kg / 4x65kg / 2x70kg / 2x80kg

Day 19: 4mg in the morning

Weight: 82.0kg

Sleep: Good, 5h

Supression: Everything is ok, libido is high today

Rest Day
Day 20: 4mg in the morning 30mins before workout

Weight: 82,7 kg WTF

Sleep: Good, 8h

Supression: Im felling great, libido is really high

AM Workout

Paused Back Squats w/slow eccentric(3s): 3x100kg / 3x115kg / 1x3 131kg / 1x3 140kg / 1x3 146kg (PR)
Shoulder Press: 1x5 40kg / 1x5 50kg / 1x5 60kg / 1x5 67.5kg(PR)
Paused Front Squats w/slow eccentric(3s): 3x85kg / 3x100kg / 3x112kg / 2x120kg / 3x120kg(Easy)

Day 21: 4mg in the morning

Weight: 82,2 kg

Sleep: Good, 8h

Supression: Im felling great, libido is really high

Rest Day

Best week in terms of sleeping, I sleep really well in the last 7 or 8 days. My bodyweight after I took 5mg just for one day goes up to +82kg. Almost 2,5kg(5,5 lbs) up in 20days and a low dose of LGD.
Before LGD I'm failing shoulder pressing 65kg, and my best was 70kg in January, 20days of LGD and now I'm Shoulder Pressing 67.5kg for reps (5).
Recover between sets are improving day after day.
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Day 22: 4mg in the morning

Weight: 82,1 kg

Sleep: Good, 10h

Supression: Im felling great, libido is really high

PM Workout

Paused Back Squats w/slow eccentric(3s): 4x100kg / 4x115kg / 4x130kg / 4x 140kg / 2x4 135kg
Klokov Trapy: 5x6 55kg
Push Press: Skip, Wrist pain!!!
Lat Pull Downs: 5x10 70kg
GHD Back Extensions w/Bar BTN + 15s pause on last rep: 5x6 20kg
Weighted Sit Ups with plate behind the neck: 5x10 10kg
Day 23: 4mg in the morning, 30mins before workout

Weight: 82,2 kg

Sleep: Good, 7h

Supression: Im felling great, but my libido is lower

AM Workout

Paused Back Squats w/slow eccentric(3s): 3x100kg / 3x115kg / 3x3x131kg
Close Grip Romanian Deadlift: 2x4 140kg / 4x 150kg / 4x160kg / 4x165kg
Plate Tricep Extensions: 4x12 up to 25kg

Day 24: 4mg in the morning, 30mins before workout

Weight: 82,2 kg

Sleep: Good, 8h

Supression: Libido is lower

AM Workout

Paused Back Squats w/slow eccentric(3s): 3x100kg / 3x115kg / 3x130kg / 3x140kg / 3x150kg(PR)
4" Deficit Deadlift with 10s Eccentric: 2x3 100kg / 3x 110kg / 2x3 120kg

Like you can see, workouts are really short, I have pain in my wrist, and I'm cutting my workouts short, I don't want to mess with my wrist and get injured really bad.
Only squats and some kind of pulls in the next days, until my wrist recover.
Before my 3rep max back squat was 150kg, now I can do that with 3s pause on bottom in every rep, I don't remeber but my best 3rep max pause back squat was 135kg in May, now 150kg.
I'm really happy