Second Cycle- Test E, EQ, and Tbol


New member

28 years old
starting weight 205 lbs
Bf about 15 or 16%, not exactly sure but I'm pretty solid


Week 1-16: 600mgs of Test E (sciroxx)
Week1-15: 600mgs of Equipose (sciroxx)
Week1-5: 60mgs of Tbol (sciroxx)
Week 3-16: 250 iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every 4th day
Week 3-16: 12.5 mgs of Aromasin every day


Week 1-5: Nolva 40/40/20/20/10
Week 1-4: Aromasin 25/25/12.5/12.5

Training: Needsize's 5x5 routine

Flat bench 5x5
incline dumbell press 2x8-10
incline flyes 2x8-10
standing calve raises 5x15

day 2 back/shoulders
military press 5x5
side laterals 3-5x8-10
deads 5x5
chins 2x8-10
shrugs 2x8-10
rows 2x8-10
bent over laterals 2x8-10

day 3&4 rest

day 5 bis/tris
close grip bench 5x5
standing barbell curls 5x5
weighted dips 2x8-10
incline dumbell curls 2x8-10
skull crushers 2x8-10
preacher curls 2x8-10

day 6 legs
squats 5x5
leg press or hacks 2x8-10( I dont do any more exercises for quads as I dont need to)
stiff legged deads 2x8-10
leg curls 2x8-10
seated calve raises 5x15
abs - weighted static holds


Meal 1: Pro/Carb
3Egg Whites and 3Whole Eggs, 1 cup oatmeal or 5 pieces of turkey bacon

Meal 2: Pro/Fat
Lean Ground Beef, ¼ cup swiss cheese, green veggies

Meal 3: Pro/Carb
Chicken Breast, 1 and a half cup Brown Rice

Meal 4: Pro/Fat
2 Cans of Tuna, 1 Tbsp Full Fat Mayonnaise, Veggies


Meal 5: PWO Nutrition
2 Scoops Whey Protein

Meal 6: PPWO
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, ½ cup Brown Rice (Measured Uncooked)

Meal 7: Pro/Fat
Lean Protein of your choice, 2 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter

Meal 8: Before Bed
3 Scoops of Whey Protein, 1.5 Tbsp. Flax Seed Oil
I've been meaning to start this the past couple of weeks but I couldn't get around to it.

This is going to be the start of my second week, I've already pinned 4 times. I'm sticking to Glutes and Quads as I they are the easiest. I haven't had any site pain aside from the general 1 day soreness from just starting to pin that muscle group.

I started with 225 on my bench and now I'm doing 5x5 sets of 245.
My squats I started out at 225lbs and I've jumped it to 275lbs.

I have started to feel the Tbol pumps which means its kicking in, and I'ved gained ten lbs. I'm now at 215lbs and starting to see a little bit of strength gain.
man, everything looks great...cycle, diet and training. only thing i would change is some simple carbs pre and post workout. and i would switch meal 2 and 6. but very impressive.
i like a combo of simple and complex carbs pre and post. like oatmeal with fruit (banana or apple, not berries) or rice and potatoes (with a protein of course). id go with 40g carb pre wo and 60 pwo.
Interested to see how the Sciroxx goes for you. They seem to be one of the best UG labs around right now. I have incorporated their Test Prop into my current cycle. I also ran T-bol for the first 4 weeks of my current cycle @50mgs p/day and the back pumps when squatting & during deads was almost unbearable. It was Geneza.
The line is great, I had my fifth pin yesterday and it was completely painless and smooth. I am definitely starting to see some strength gains from the Tbol. Yesterday I worked chest and calves and I put another ten lbs on my bench, I did 5x5 of 245 and it seemed light. I wasn't sure if I should have added more weight since I'm already adding on 10 lbs to my 5x5's every week, I kind of want to stay away from the temptation of adding on too much weight too soon before the Test starts to kick in probably in another couple weeks. I used 80lb dumbells for my incline press and 50lb dumbells for my incline flyes. I can definitely start to feel the pumps when I workout now, they aren't unbearable but are rather welcomed except for the lower back pumps, they can be a little annoying. This is the start of my third week and I now weigh 217lbs, I'm up 12lbs with no noticeable bloat.
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Today was my back and shoulder workout. I did 165lbs on my military press and 245 on my deadlift. I've been sick for the past couple of days and figured it would have a negative affect on my workouts, but surprisingly there wasn't much of a change. The back pumps were really bad after the deadlift, I had to take a couple minutes when I finished. I anxious to see what I can do once the test starts taking effect.
I wasn't sure if I should have added more weight since I'm already adding on 10 lbs to my 5x5's every week, I kind of want to stay away from the temptation of adding on too much weight too soon before the Test starts to kick in .

Excellent looking diet, anxious to see how this goes for you.

Your adding 10lbs a week to bench, squat, dead. 10lbs a week is 480lbs a yr, that would be amazing, so your 245x5 on flat bench would be 725x5 in one yr, im not sure even on Big Rons cycles that would be possible.

Good thinking on staying away from temptation of getting to strong to quick I used to make that mistake a lot. I'm sure you will find stength kind of tapers off in time and that initilal gain tapers off then you have to get a little creative to get it back.
I wish I could keep that up all year, but I'm only going to be going up ten lbs while I'm on my current cycle, which should be for another 13 weeks. My goal is to be able to do 5x5 of 405+ on my bench.
My comp went down so I haven't been able to get for the last couple of weeks. I'm in the middle of week 6th on my 12th injection. I've already taken 5 weeks of Tbol and have been taking of Aromasin everyday since week 3 along with HCG every 4th day since week 3. My strength has definitely gone up. I'm doing 5x5's on my flat bench of 295lbs, that's up 50 lbs since Dec. 29th. My deadlift is up 55lbs, it's now at 300lbs, with my squat at 315lbs. I had my weight and body fat percentage done at the gym. I'm currently 222 lbs with 15 % bodyfat. I thinking of incorporating some Clen and T3 during the end of my cycle say week 10 to week 16 then doing my pct or should I wait till after my PCT to do a 6 week run of Clen and T3?
I had a real shitty workout today, I wound up hurting my pec on my first set on the flat bench. I felt a sharp pain last week with the muscle that connects my pec to my shoulder and I reaggravated it today. I wound up just doing legs so as to not tear it. I might have to take the week off from my upper body and concentrate on my legs to give it time to heal. I've started my 7th week today so it looks like this week is going to be a waste.
Barnzy I think you were right. I took the week of and iced my pec and put heat on it all week. I did chest again this past Monday, I was careful to not hurt myself again so I did a good stretch and started with 225 and worked my way up to 295. I felt a little weaker as the 225 felt heavier than normal. The week prior I felt like I could do 20 reps of 225. I guess the week off had me a little down in strength. The good news was I didn't feel any pain. My workout Tuesday was pretty good too I did my back and shoulders which are naturally pretty developed. I'm thinking of doing chest twice a week now as I feel I'm lagging in this area compared to the rest of my body. I'm thinking of doing another chest routine on my leg day but with the chest machines and cutting the sets to 3 with 10 reps each, any thoughts?
I hurt myself again yesterday. I've been dealing with this for the past three weeks. The first week I injured it benching 295lbs, I felt a sharp pain in between my pec and shoulder. I took the week off, then did a bench of 225 and worked my weight up to 295 but it felt heavier than normal. Yesterday I was benching and I felt a pop, but I have no bruising its just a pain when I put force on it. I'm in the middle of week 9 and I will be on till week 16. How long to I need to take off from chest exercises and what do I do after to catch my chest up to the rest of my body? This is extremely frustrating.
I hurt myself again yesterday. I've been dealing with this for the past three weeks. The first week I injured it benching 295lbs, I felt a sharp pain in between my pec and shoulder. I took the week off, then did a bench of 225 and worked my weight up to 295 but it felt heavier than normal. Yesterday I was benching and I felt a pop, but I have no bruising its just a pain when I put force on it. I'm in the middle of week 9 and I will be on till week 16. How long to I need to take off from chest exercises and what do I do after to catch my chest up to the rest of my body? This is extremely frustrating.

I know this is going to suck...but if chest exercises are hurting the delt/pec area..more than likely shoulder and Arm exercises will as well.