nice6pac said:No it doesn't come off the flag list and neither does your name, and the feds computer base records info so they can connect your new address to your name even your friends addy could be connected to you in fact i bet alot of users of this very board have carnivore working on their comps, that is tracking their email change email addy's and providers oftena s well as addresses, in the future i will get more info on magic lantern most information is conjecture but remember just because you aren't charged r found guilty doesn't eman they can't ruin your life, its 100% legal for them to call your boos and inform them whats going on in fact they can call basically anyone they want since its public record if your charged or even questioned keep that in mind folks
WannaImpress said:Wait a minute, so just for shit and giggles, if you ordered some rHGH from overseas and customs got ahold of it your address is flagged?That meaning that any pkgs. coming through customs with the same address will more than likely be looked at or detained?
Is there any way of knowing? besides ordering more shit of course?SkedMedz said:It varies. Sometimes they don't even flag the addy.
bigjay00 said:Is there any way of knowing? besides ordering more shit of course?
That was a serious response right?SkedMedz said:Ya. Call Customs & ask.
bigjay00 said:That was a serious response right?
I'm a gambler, I just don't gamble my "freedom"SkedMedz said:Kinda so so. I mean there really isn't another way bro. If it gets seized then it must be assumed that an addy is indeed flagged. Even though it may indeed not be. There is no sure-fire way to verify either way. So are you a gambler or what?! Your call!
SkedMedz said:The HELL have YOU been brother??? Uhh, ya! As far as flagging the friends addy, THAT IS BULLSHIT!!!!! What, they follow you around for a few days to see who you go visit? I dont think so. Here is the skinny: IT IS THE ADDY THAT GETS FLAGGED-NOT THE NAME. There could be 250,000 guys with the same fucking name as you. What, they gonna flag all those addies as well??? NOPE. The guy who posted that shit is a fucking retard!
Trevdog said:I don't know much about privacy laws but even if I were to make the dubious assumption that it is "public record" that someone has even been questioned, I really don't see the government going around calling employers, family members, etc. to tell them that a particular individual is "suspected" of criminal activity - especially in the context that is being implied here - that the feds aren't really looking for more information, just trying to hurt someone who they suspect has comitted a crime.
They'd be asking for all kinds of trouble by doing that.