Serious Backne

I have what I consider slight to moderate bacne, Ironically, it didn't show up until I reduced my dosage of test cyp from 125 down to 75 E3D.

I would guess that it was due to the hormone imbalance you had from dropping the dose.

also with the way the protocol is setup it think its odd that we take test cyp followed by Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) the next day. if cyp reaches its peak within 2-3 days then why are we taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as the test is rising? i have read stuff from reputable testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doc who likes to do Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) the day before the test cyp shot. IMO this makes a lot more sense. i think i will change up my dosing schedule. i will probably still take the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) day after but Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will be the day before. im going to see if this works better for me.
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When I was discussing this with my doc, he told me that low test can actually cause acne as well. Everyone reacts differently but too low can cause acne as well in some people.
I have a question... My sister has extremely bad acne scarring from her teenage years on her cheeks. I know she can try lasers and peels to get rid of them, but is there anything topical that is a little less expensive that actually works?
When I was discussing this with my doc, he told me that low test can actually cause acne as well. Everyone reacts differently but too low can cause acne as well in some people.
Yes this is very true, I had this problem. My acne was bad enough to see a dermatologist. She also said that it was hormone related (pre HRT and low Test). She also said that it's bacteria. Seems pretty odd about the bacteria part, so google revealed, this was true.

I have a question... My sister has extremely bad acne scarring from her teenage years on her cheeks. I know she can try lasers and peels to get rid of them, but is there anything topical that is a little less expensive that actually works?
Wish I could help. I'd go see a dermatologist, as they really are experts in the field.
My general doc put me on Minocycline for my acne. It was pretty severe when I was doing 500mg of Test Cyp a week cycle. I tried everything trying to get rid of it cause I was going to Hawaii to get married. Minocycline cleared up about 90% acne for me and it's pretty cheap. About $10 a month through my insurance.

Did Monocyclyine cause any side effects? I was given Doxycycline & not only did it give me a huge ulcer once in my esophagus, it made my skin peel like a shedding snake....
I would guess that it was due to the hormone imbalance you had from dropping the dose.

also with the way the protocol is setup it think its odd that we take test cyp followed by HCG and an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) the next day. if cyp reaches its peak within 2-3 days then why are we taking HCG as the test is rising? i have read stuff from reputable testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doc who likes to do HCG the day before the test cyp shot. IMO this makes a lot more sense. i think i will change up my dosing schedule. i will probably still take the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) day after but HCG will be the day before. im going to see if this works better for me.

Misc: I'm sure you've posted this prolly a thousand times before but can you tell me what your protocol looks like now (As in what you are doing currently)?

Bacteria is an underlying problem in all acne. It is trapped by oil produced by your pores and thus causes a small infection. That is the basis for almost all topcals and the theory behind antibiotics giving some relief from this.

You don't have to control all of the ingredients that cause the problem, just remove one or two, and the problem will go away. kind of like the fire triangle. oxygen + spark + Fuel will make a fire. Remove any one of the three, and no fire.

As for the scaring issue, there is a light theropy, different from lazer, that has proven very good at removing scars. This is from personal experience.

It was expensive, but worked well. The other option is to look in to womens skin care for pregneancy. There are alot of products marketed for strech mark reduction, which is essentially just scars.

Hope this helps
Did Monocyclyine cause any side effects? I was given Doxycycline & not only did it give me a huge ulcer once in my esophagus, it made my skin peel like a shedding snake....

no sides from minocyclin for me. they say if you take it for a long peroid of time it will yellow your teeth but ive been on it for a few months and i havent noticed that at all.

Misc: I'm sure you've posted this prolly a thousand times before but can you tell me what your protocol looks like now (As in what you are doing currently)?


well im trying to change things up. I'm just doing test cyp 75mg e5d. im stopping the HCG and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and then im getting blood work done in a couple weeks to see where im at. i dont want to take all three all the time. Adex fucks your lipids and i dont want to be on it for a long time. also HCG flares up my acne.

also for those that take 200mg e5d. you dont need that much for great gains in the gym. i was doing 100mg e5d and making great gains. it wasnt like cycle gains but way better than trying natty with low T levels.
Got back from the dermatologist today. I have a script for Minocycline. My breakouts were hormone related, and started before I was on HRT.
This is a good thread. Since acne is such a big issue I think we really need a section of the boards devoted to it.

I have acne issues anytime I raise my dose over 150mg a week. I've noticed that my acne is 100% DHT related. If I take finasteride to lower my dht levels it really helps. A lot of people say it doesn't work but I think they were doing it wrong. Finasteride has a half life of 8hrs. So it would need to be taken twice a day. A person with normal testosterone levels would not have to do this. However, when your test levels are over 1000 all week your body will constantly be converting testosterone to dht and estrogen. So if you were only taking finasteride in the morning by the end of the day you will get a rebound effect that will cause your skin to get oily. If you control the oil it will keep the acne away.

My last cycle of 500mg a week I used this as my acne protocol.

1mg finasteride in am everyday
1mg finasteride 8 hrs later
Topical Spironolactone on face every night.

That's all I took. I had benzoyl wash on hand but never needed it. It completely controlled my oil production. I will say that making gains without dht is a little harder but what's the point if you look like a muscle pizza.
This is a good thread. Since acne is such a big issue I think we really need a section of the boards devoted to it.

I have acne issues anytime I raise my dose over 150mg a week. I've noticed that my acne is 100% DHT related. If I take finasteride to lower my dht levels it really helps. A lot of people say it doesn't work but I think they were doing it wrong. Finasteride has a half life of 8hrs. So it would need to be taken twice a day. A person with normal testosterone levels would not have to do this. However, when your test levels are over 1000 all week your body will constantly be converting testosterone to dht and estrogen. So if you were only taking finasteride in the morning by the end of the day you will get a rebound effect that will cause your skin to get oily. If you control the oil it will keep the acne away.

My last cycle of 500mg a week I used this as my acne protocol.

1mg finasteride in am everyday
1mg finasteride 8 hrs later
Topical Spironolactone on face every night.

That's all I took. I had benzoyl wash on hand but never needed it. It completely controlled my oil production. I will say that making gains without dht is a little harder but what's the point if you look like a muscle pizza.

the reason why they say it doesnt work for acne is because type 2 DHT is what causes acne and type 1 DHT is what causes hair loss. finastride blocks type 1 not type 2 DHT. you need a reductase inhibitor to block both like dutastride.
my protocol is now 100mg e5d like before. .5 adex the next day. no HCG.

acne control protocol.

minocycline 2x day, benzofoam i put on my face shoulders and back for 5 min before i shower.

seems to be working fine. i asked the dermatologist about accutane and he laughed at me. lol. i just want to not deal with acne.
my protocol is now 100mg e5d like before. .5 adex the next day. no HCG.

acne control protocol.

minocycline 2x day, benzofoam i put on my face shoulders and back for 5 min before i shower.

seems to be working fine. i asked the dermatologist about accutane and he laughed at me. lol. i just want to not deal with acne.

The Minocycline should take care of everything. I'm on one tablet a day.
The Minocycline should take care of everything. I'm on one tablet a day.

been on it for months already. it works but i still get some. i wasnt using the benzofoam though. i had it the whole time but wasnt using it like i was supposed to.
the reason why they say it doesnt work for acne is because type 2 DHT is what causes acne and type 1 DHT is what causes hair loss. finastride blocks type 1 not type 2 DHT. you need a reductase inhibitor to block both like dutastride.

100% correct. I couldn't have written it better myself.
Fyi, i stopped using the benzycline, it worked great on clearing up breakouts but did nothing for preventing new ones. My guess is you would have to rub the cream all over your back twice a day to do that. But the jar is so small you would go through a lot to do this. So now i am trying the Shampoo Nizoral I'm hoping that will help. If not I guess the Derm is next. I'll keep you guys posted.
Fyi, i stopped using the benzycline, it worked great on clearing up breakouts but did nothing for preventing new ones. My guess is you would have to rub the cream all over your back twice a day to do that. But the jar is so small you would go through a lot to do this. So now i am trying the Shampoo Nizoral I'm hoping that will help. If not I guess the Derm is next. I'll keep you guys posted.

I know the Nizoral ointment definitely helped my chest acne.
I hope the Nizoral shampoo works for you!