Serious Backne


New member
Hey guys I have a problem with some serious acne on my back. My E levels are 34, I take 200 mg e5d and Dex 1mg day after with 250 i.u hcg. I've tried all kinds of different soaps and acne wash. Nothing seems to work. I read somewhere about the androgens or something but I can't find that post....any thoughts, it's getting out of control??
I wish I could be more of a help to you. I haven't had much of an issue with acne though. If it gets really bad you may just have to bite the bullet and see a dermatologist.
Hey guys I have a problem with some serious acne on my back. My E levels are 34, I take 200 mg e5d and Dex 1mg day after with 250 i.u hcg. I've tried all kinds of different soaps and acne wash. Nothing seems to work. I read somewhere about the androgens or something but I can't find that post....any thoughts, it's getting out of control??

A while back, I had a training partner that had horrible acne from running a test cycle. It got so bad I sent him to my dermatologist.

Anyhow, it is detailed in thread linked below.

She prescribed him a clindamycin topical 1% and benzyl peroxide 10% pre-wash. It worked wonders for him.
You need to see a dermatologist. The sooner the better. There are lots of treatments that can work. There is a light therapy that works very well. Also Acutane, but that is strong stuff. A quick round of antibiotic from your GP will settle it down for right now as well. I have been through them all over the past 10 years, so I am speaking from experience. It can also be caused by LOW T levels (according to my dermatologist), which since starting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) mine is much improved.
Great advice from cash and cjm. If you have insurance it is probably worth a visit to your GP just to see what they say.
Thanks guys, I guess it's time to bite the bullet and make an appointment with the doc. Luckily I do have insurance. Cashout you da man! Thanks
Thanks alot Cashout. I read that old thread. I am so happy your so active on this board. The information you provide to this community is priceless!

I have some body acne issues as well. when I was on 200mg E5D of cyp my acne was getting bad. Lately I backed my dosage down to 150mg E5D and that has helped with less acne. If I want to go back to higher doses of test I will need to try that Benzaclin out that you recomend.
What is free test, total test and e2 at that dose?

I get acne on back when: e2 gets too high or e2 gets too low in relation to total test.
1st dermatologist
clendamycin - they also have washing pads now though the stuff cashout suggested is better.
10% not 5% benxoyl peroxide wash
shower directly after workouts

salt water if you are near the ocean works awesome
if they have it over the counter (got mine from dr) a chemical exfoliant
yeah I spelled stuff wrong.............
I was on same protocol for about 5 months and last two months have been getting horrible cyst acne all over my shoulders and chest, even some on my face.. cleaned up diet completly for passed 3 weeks, been using proactive, and taking b-5 in hopes of making it better.. even shower at gym as soon as I work out even though it's super embarrassing wit so much acne.. hadnt had issues wit acne in prob 20 years.. dermotologist I went to see was a waste, he said if ur on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) some get acne and some don't, nothing u can do bout it unless u want to take another pill for life... so I'm looking for help as well........hope I can get this cleared up in time for summer
Hey guys I have a problem with some serious acne on my back. My E levels are 34, I take 200 mg e5d and Dex 1mg day after with 250 i.u hcg. I've tried all kinds of different soaps and acne wash. Nothing seems to work. I read somewhere about the androgens or something but I can't find that post....any thoughts, it's getting out of control??
hit me at 5-6 months also
I thought it was B-6 for acne?

anyway, again go to the dermatoligist, you will not regret it

Also, look up ACNETAME not accutane (though you may have to go there eventually) some folks on this board have had good results. Amazon has it read the reviews
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Two points...

The B-5 mega dose theory is just that. It was theory proposed by a guy named Lit-Hung Leung. it was published in 1997 in a very obscure medical journal as possible remedy of acne.

The theory has NEVER been clinically empirically supported in one single published peer-reviewed placbo-controlled doubled blind study.

The theory was proposed almost 15 years ago and still no valid clinical support? Hmmmm...

however, there are tons of infomecials and websites selling B-5 as a cure for acne.

Don't waste your money.

Also, oral antibiotics are far less effective for treating acne than are today's new topical antibiotics.

Orals were proscribed years ago because we didn't have good transdermal methods for delivering the antibiotic via the sink. Oral delivery is a systemic delivery method and some of the drug makes it to the acne bacteria but a lot of the antibiotic is dispersed throughout the rest of the body.

Today we have efficient transdermals. Especially with the newer lincosamides that are efficiently delivered to the mitochondria of the bacteria and effective eliminate the ability for the bacteria to produce energy to sustain itself.
thanks cashout, just clicked on link about the Benzaclin.. least I can ask dermatologist bout it and hopefully see if that helps.. thanks again
Possibly off topic.

OP, what ester are you using? I was using a blend of Enan, Cyp, Prop (100/100/50 mg/ml respectively)and now just Cyp (210 mg/ml). Since the change I have noticed rather rapid weight gain(presumably mostly water) as well as increased acne (Back, chest, torso,). The acne at this point is agrivating but not so much that I am worried. Some big ass juice pimples though. Ugly fuckers, but seems just inflamation, not puss or junk.

I am hopoing at some point to switch back to the blend or even try Test E straight up. The 18 pounds I put on since Thanksgiving does not really make me happy. Not all water, not all fat, but none the less.

Fellas, your thoughts?