Serious Serious problem


New member
My buddy who is a member of this site is staying off for now has been notified that he is being watched. Somebody told him that he needs to watch his back but he couldnt embelish more info on his source. I told him that it was some BS. My buddy has a few k's worth of AS at his house right now. Where would be the safest place to keep that for now and for future storage? A safety deposit box? Thanks.
hrmm.. i'd get a nice strong metal box.. and burry it in the back yard if i was THAT worried about it.. and then dig it up later.
I think he should inject it all at once to get rid of it.

Oh and remember, in 5 states possession of needles and syringes is also illegal without a prescription. I know Cali and NJ are 2 of them.
They may watch everywhere he goes which means they may get warrants for those locations also.

If he has absolutely no way out, I always figured I would use the disposal in the sink, for the whole bottles and all, and use generous helpings of soap to wash down the oils. Maybe some draino too for the hey of it.

If he is confident in the source of this info, I wish him the best of luck.
I hear there is a bit of a "sting" going on in the NE... Tell him to find a friend that owns a farm, and to go hide that shit in a hay loft out in the boondocks of bumfuck nowhere... there's got to be one of those places in just about every state, right?

Wait -- you could sell it all to Fonz :D
best place for it to be is out of there, somewhere where more than one person could have put it there
have a friend come ot his house to get it. Then the friend should put it somewhere like a self storage place. Also have multiple people come to his house and all leave at once with only one person having the gear. They cant follow all of you.
With that much gear they would all, also have to be carrying something inside since if only one walks out with a box or something, its going to look rather stupid.
good idea, you guys come up with some crazy tactics, but i'd just tell him to be careful, and put it in storage for the time being