Serum levels based on test dosage.


Pale Gorilla
What are normal serum levels for dosages of test e/c ranging from 250mg wk to 1 g a week. I want to gather up all the reported levels and make an average. I am trying to look for an accurate figure but some people on 500mg wk are claiming to test at 1800 ng/dl and others at 5500 ng/dl at the same dose. I personally hit 4120 on 600 mg of my own home brew, but anyone who has pharma grade gear is more likely to have properly dosed test. Post your results, and no capped results if your BW stops at 1500 ng/dl it does no one good.

Btw I have already checked several studies and they all test 7 days after last injection which is not great because it will yield a lower level. I will update the post based on the results and if I get enough responses.
I am sorry but that all depends from one individual to another and most importantly on the ugl that they are running. Underdosed/Overdosed...So it will be rough to get an accurate reading unless everyone was using pharma grade.
Everyone is going to have different values based on several factors such as body mass, metabolism, blood composition, as well as even diet. So while I think I understand where you're going with this, you'll find it hard to place a median around the data without some crazy standard deviations.

But I'll go ahead and give a few for funsies: (pharma stuff)

250mg/wk: 1037ng/dL
500mg/wk: 2824ng/dL
1000mg/wk: 6358ng/dL
2000mg/wk: 9969ng/dL
2500mg/wk: 11145ng/dL
*These are all done on an E3.5D protocol, so spikes and troughs are negligible. *

The last one was just to see what it would take to break 10k. I honestly don't notice much of a difference between say a gram and two and a half grams outside managing sides like blood pressure.

Remember, my results are atypical, which is why I tend to keep quiet on folks asking if a certain dose is going to provide X TT on a blood test. I truly envy guys that see these kinds of results with half my doses. :(

Note: I am not condoning nor advising folks to run such large doses. I have done an obscene amount of homework and continue to learn in order to do this safely and with optimal results.

My .02c :)
I am sorry but that all depends from one individual to another and most importantly on the ugl that they are running. Underdosed/Overdosed...So it will be rough to get an accurate reading unless everyone was using pharma grade.

Exactly. Everyone's body is different and every source has different quality and dosing, but I am trying to get an estimate despite these limitations. What you are proposing would be impossible given the illicit nature of the dosages and substances we are dealing with. Same thing with studying the long term effect of marijuana on brain activity has many variable like frequency of smoking, thc content, and how deeply people inhale, but nonetheless data is compiled in an attempt to come to the best possible conclusion of the effect. There are many variables involved, but people will have to take that into account when looking at this information. Hopefully they have enough common sense to know this before reading anything like this. Now contribute and post your results lol.
In my other thread they said to use the test instead of dbol pills. I don't like the shots, but is 500 mgs a big injection and how big will the needle have to be?

Are you kidding me bro. Wrong place for this lol. Go post this on your other thread bud.
I was at ~7100 ng/dL on 750mg OP test E.
Also was running 600mg of their Deca.

So probably 1350mg Test total... if you catch my drift.
Everyone is going to have different values based on several factors such as body mass, metabolism, blood composition, as well as even diet. So while I think I understand where you're going with this, you'll find it hard to place a median around the data without some crazy standard deviations.

But I'll go ahead and give a few for funsies: (pharma stuff)

250mg/wk: 1037ng/dL
500mg/wk: 2824ng/dL
1000mg/wk: 6358ng/dL
2000mg/wk: 9969ng/dL
2500mg/wk: 11145ng/dL
*These are all done on an E3.5D protocol, so spikes and troughs are negligible. *

The last one was just to see what it would take to break 10k. I honestly don't notice much of a difference between say a gram and two and a half grams outside managing sides like blood pressure.

Remember, my results are atypical, which is why I tend to keep quiet on folks asking if a certain dose is going to provide X TT on a blood test. I truly envy guys that see these kinds of results with half my doses. :(

Note: I am not condoning nor advising folks to run such large doses. I have done an obscene amount of homework and continue to learn in order to do this safely and with optimal results.

My .02c :)

2.5 grams of test. Horreeee sheeeeet. How's the prostate Halfwit? Goddamn....
I was at ~7100 ng/dL on 750mg OP test E.
Also was running 600mg of their Deca.

So probably 1350mg Test total... if you catch my drift.

Doesn't work like that bro lol. Deca will not show up as testosterone on a blood test, only testosterone will show up as testosterone. Solid numbers though for 750mg.
2.5 grams of test. Horreeee sheeeeet. How's the prostate Halfwit? Goddamn....

His prostates fine, I've been checking regularly :roll:

Doesn't work like that bro lol. Deca will not show up as testosterone on a blood test, only testosterone will show up as testosterone. Solid numbers though for 750mg.

Lol I think he's suggesting the deca has been blended with test... apparently this is quite a common occurrence.
Doesn't work like that bro lol. Deca will not show up as testosterone on a blood test, only testosterone will show up as testosterone. Solid numbers though for 750mg.

Holy fuck. I've never heard of levels that high on that dose. Something can't be right there, right?
WAY to many factors to even come up with an average. Height, weight, blood concentration, time since pin, how your body reacts to the test, etc...

Sorry but you won't get anything valid out of this.