Pale Gorilla
WAY to many factors to even come up with an average. Height, weight, blood concentration, time since pin, how your body reacts to the test, etc...
Sorry but you won't get anything valid out of this.
I know this, and even with all those factors I can still come up with an average that will be fairly accurate if I could average at least 200 results. Most experiments have limitations to them...actually all of them do this one just has more

Here is my earlier post to someone else:
Exactly. Everyone's body is different and every source has different quality and dosing, but I am trying to get an estimate despite these limitations. What you are proposing would be impossible given the illicit nature of the dosages and substances we are dealing with. Same thing with studying the long term effect of marijuana on brain activity has many variable like frequency of smoking, thc content, and how deeply people inhale, but nonetheless data is compiled in an attempt to come to the best possible conclusion of the effect. There are many variables involved, but people will have to take that into account when looking at this information. Hopefully they have enough common sense to know this before reading anything like this. Now contribute and post your results lol.