Pale Gorilla
Wrong how are you gonna have a aas coach and bodybuilding coach that has never lived the life. I want someone who has experienced sides and had success not a book worm. This isnt defending bustin i could care less abojt his training. Fact is im not gonna base bodybuilding off some guy that learned the shit on books. This isnt football or basketball this has to do with looks and a person must have experience to get you those looks. Look at onk giving stupid advice 1.5 grams of test because someone wants to run a little tren, why because he fucken read that online and has no clue
That Rambod guy not only coached Heath but also coached Jay Cutler. The point I wanted to make was that you can get reliable advice from a guy who does not excel in your sport. The case of Rambod is the best example, but if you look at other sports you will see the same thing. Bill Belechick never played football, but who would you rather have coach your team, him or the great Lawrence Taylor? In baseball you have geniuses like Joe Maddon who are small and were never athletic or played the sport, but no one knows more about it or can coach more effectively. It is good that the person has first hand experience, but I don't put that very high up on my list of qualifications. If you had a free coach would you pick a regular looking dude like Rambod, or a scumbag with a good physique like Marc Lobliner?