severe knee pain after squatting 5 plates (video)

Your so full of shit and your lying like a child.... i could care less about this thread but this shit is old year after year theres cut and paste experts guys with all this training blahblah and everyone praises them then there gone. Not to bash anyone but its hard to listen to someone based on there ability to type.

Biomechanics? I dont give a fuck about that.... this is just a example cuz i cant think of anyone else i just woke up and im thinking this clown has no phd in bio whatever. .....Dennis James this guy may or may not have a phd and if he doesnt guess why i would prefer him as my trainer than a mystery man online, because hes been there he knows wtf it takes. Im a firm believer dont believe everything you read try it yourself and confirm it.

Ok I'll take your advice and ditch my doctor as he is a gay male who doesn't have kids as I'm seeing him for advice on reproduction with my partner.

Do you seriously listen to the things you say? It makes no sense.
i laugh and piss on 'famous posters' on these internet boards who have huge reputations but never posted a pic of themselves. only idiots follow these guys.

if you havent posted a pic just dont post and put ur head down and do anything BUT give a big attitude online since you have ZERO PROOF of your words and look like shit and thats why you dont post pics

Seriously dude, get off your high horse about your 'amazing pictures'....

I'm looking at the avatars of myself, Onk and Schredder - and we all look a damn sight better than you!
Ok I'll take your advice and ditch my doctor as he is a gay male who doesn't have kids as I'm seeing him for advice on reproduction with my partner.

Do you seriously listen to the things you say? It makes no sense.

you are using a example of a legit DOCTOR in reproduction

where the fuck are these docs in bodybuilding, wtf you on about sunshine, there are NO docs in bodybuilding that have done reasearch on grams of juice use and whatever else bodybuilders do so ONLY thing we have is how people loook as a reference to their knowledge. so no pics = gtfo of this board and ALL others and be quiet
Seriously dude, get off your high horse about your 'amazing pictures'....

I'm looking at the avatars of myself, Onk and Schredder - and we all look a damn sight better than you!

hey better to have pics then to NOT have pics right? YET you are still on my back instead on teh backs of 99% of the people here who are hiding in the shadows BUT pretending they look good or are somebody

you are attacking the wrong person buddy, i am open and therefore open to attack, you cant attack faceless twinks but THEY should be your priority and not people who are open
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Ok I'll take your advice and ditch my doctor as he is a gay male who doesn't have kids as I'm seeing him for advice on reproduction with my partner.

Do you seriously listen to the things you say? It makes no sense.

Wow great way to change the subject
I admit i look like crap in the leaness category i have a fat stomach i dont hide theres shirtless pics from the front i posted them here more than once. I get alot of pms on questions and advice on tren..... reason is i have real life experience not some shit i looked up to give answers. People know im a idiot and have been on for 1 year straight lol ive also had comments they appreciate my honesty, people recognize real life experience can give better advice all the time
lol @ still arguining if its beneficial to have PICS on a forum about a activity which is exclusively about the pics and look

like going on a ferrari forum and screaming i have a ferrari but when asked to show pics you never show them. i think banning would be in order on those members since they cheat and mislead others
It's like this bro, u honestly think the president of hockey Garry bet man knows all about hockey " fuck no" as like most presidents of sports, there in for the marketing and making money, the same theory goes for nutritionist/coaches, they might not have the best physique's but they are well educated in nutrition and know how the body functions, I am taking your phrase here " the proof is in the pudding" cause zilla helped me out alot last year getting to know the dieting aspect of the game, and if u don't think iifym style approach works then maybe u should give it a shot before knocking that approach off the charts! Again zilla is a well educated dude
stop with the bullshit, bodybuilding is ALL about looks so STOP with the bullshit off it doesnt matter if we see pics or not, just words matter. thats just piss in the wind and everybody knows it

LOOKS MATTER, bodybuilding is ALL about looks and dont give me this crap how twinks without pics here are all of a sudden chris fucking aceto by default just because they dont have pics and if somebody HAS pics he isnt knowledgeable. thats like saying the scientist who doesnt know anything knows more then the one with results in his hands. thats called religion, believing the unproven and believing those without proof more then those WITH proof. i call that bullshit

those who dont have pics to suppor their wise words are just full of shit, end of story. stop assuming they are yoda just because they hide, start assuming they are fat fucks who copy paste for internet respect and glory from other males
If u are picking an argument with 3j or zilla u are going to loose in the nutrition aspect of the game, there well educated in this area and it's pretty dumb on your part to keep going on
If u are picking an argument with 3j or zilla u are going to loose in the nutrition aspect of the game, there well educated in this area and it's pretty dumb on your part to keep going on

yeah i am still waiting to be embarrased lol, the other guy gave his best shot and left in 10min with his head down and hasnt been back, wont be back.

n utrition? i thought this was bodybuilding not mics section where people talk about just food. bodybuilding sunny boy, you know creating muscles, looking good AND proving it. i have YET to see 1 proof from any of these big shots here and until we see pics as proof their words mean dipshit
If u drop your ego and cocky Ness that u say u don't have u would be better off, I agreed with zilla about some of your post thinking u know it all the reason why I first replied to this, your ego problem is biting u in the ass, u are just like the others in the gym fuckin flexing all the time in the mirror and probs talking alot of bullshit, probs one telling your so called clients your all.natural too, nothing else then great diet and proper form gets u to look like me huh, I can see it write all over your face, as I can just imagine what u say to your clients lol
If u are picking an argument with 3j or zilla u are going to loose in the nutrition aspect of the game, there well educated in this area and it's pretty dumb on your part to keep going on

What is it with you every word out of your mouth is 3j im bulking and im doing with 3j im cutting its gonna be great cuz i have 3j stop already he wasnt even in this you just brought him in lol by the way you got lean in your pic from last year vut your very small no chest.... you are still very cocky and insecure cmon you keep posting the same pic of you now in a tank top and trying to impress everyone by saying you have a 7inch cock
see this is GREAT, somebody having the balls to post a real pic and put their money where the mouth is, i can respect that and I do, well done!

and about coaches etc, i NEVER said they dont know shit, i just said nd my reasoning is as follows :' IF somebody knows wtf they are talking about they should be able to post pics to prove they themselves have done it, otherwise recommending low carb diet is easy if you havent done it yourself, dont uderstand discipline and hardship, then its just bullshit. so IF these people with big mouths have big claims these claims require BIG evidence that they themselves have done it now or before or long in the past but dont come telling me you know a lot and have a big mouth while you cant produce 3 pics where you look good, then i call bullshit on you every single time''
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Lol 49r your still the same shit disturber I remember when I first joined this forum, bro honestly u don't have nothing to say cause u don't even give your body a fuckin break from tren, atleast cruise for abit, then possibly blast but year long on tren? Bulk all year long? U think u would come to realization that u need to get leaner in order for u to look bigger, the way your going your just adding more fat to your 25 percent body fat frame all year round
Your diet sucks, or u wouldn't carry that much fat all year rouND, the drugs don't work if your diet is shit, but again maybe u should consider hiring 3j and give sometime off tren and maybe drop some body fat bro
I do the traditional bulk in the fall/ winter months, cut in the spring, who cares what I look like in the winter time as it actual winter with snow here, so I bulk, I eat, I gain, then chop the shit, give me till next month's bro, and will post pics up again
Lol 49r your still the same shit disturber I remember when I first joined this forum, bro honestly u don't have nothing to say cause u don't even give your body a fuckin break from tren, atleast cruise for abit, then possibly blast but year long on tren? Bulk all year long? U think u would come to realization that u need to get leaner in order for u to look bigger, the way your going your just adding more fat to your 25 percent body fat frame all year round
Your diet sucks, or u wouldn't carry that much fat all year rouND, the drugs don't work if your diet is shit, but again maybe u should consider hiring 3j and give sometime off tren and maybe drop some body fat bro

If youd read my posts youd know i lower my doses to 50mg eod then i increase..... and i just posted im off tren and using npp..... funny cuz i use to tell you the same thing about coming off and you used way more than i have and you didn't gain any mass in your few years of blasting. Im just stating facts and this is the second time i call you on your shit about having to use him for people to like you.

Every post you do is trying to make yourself likeable but theres just something creepy about you lol.... i pray i dont look like you after a cut you literally have nothing, your biceps look good because you are very low body fat you use to look big thick and healthy not anymore. In a tshirt you look like a average person me in a shirt well you cant hide muscle

About shit disturber..... there are very very few i fuck with and its because of how they come across and your one of the very few