1kg = 2.20 lbs
Your so full of shit and your lying like a child.... i could care less about this thread but this shit is old year after year theres cut and paste experts guys with all this training blahblah and everyone praises them then there gone. Not to bash anyone but its hard to listen to someone based on there ability to type.
Biomechanics? I dont give a fuck about that.... this is just a example cuz i cant think of anyone else i just woke up and im thinking this clown has no phd in bio whatever. .....Dennis James this guy may or may not have a phd and if he doesnt guess why i would prefer him as my trainer than a mystery man online, because hes been there he knows wtf it takes. Im a firm believer dont believe everything you read try it yourself and confirm it.
Ok I'll take your advice and ditch my doctor as he is a gay male who doesn't have kids as I'm seeing him for advice on reproduction with my partner.
Do you seriously listen to the things you say? It makes no sense.