short course for back muscles

so got chatting to a gym rat the other day and hes about to start a short course for just isolating back muscles as he had worked to much on his chest over the years and has problems with posture, I found it interesting and wanted to know is this way out there? do blokes do courses to say get rid of the chicken legs or get there triceps up to there biceps standard, shit like that?
do blokes do courses to say get rid of the chicken legs or get there triceps up to there biceps standard, shit like that?

Absolutly, this is the basic principal of bodybuilding. IMO, its what separates the men from the boys. Everybody wants big arms.....honestly, do you want to be the guy with big arms and a big belly? Probobly not. we all want semetry and the reality is unless you are one of the truly gifted you will always be cursed with a body part that you are never happy with. The point I'm trying to make is; when you are serious about this sport you are constantly trying to bring your lagging muscle groups up to speed.
A couple months ago my kids, without prompting, began making fun of my "chicken legs", and how they don't "match" my upper body (lil bastards). Of course they added in my short short 1985 style shorts don't help much. Do you think i've been hitting legs harder than any other parts after that? Hell yeah... :)
^ great point. It's not out of the question to Hit a lagging body part with a longer work out than usual, or even adding an extra day in for that workout into your usual split. Like Frank white said chicken legs are a common occurrence with Bros so i like to work them extra hard twice a week currently to not be the one with drumsticks in the crowd.
Of course this is a great reason to cycle. U can focus on an area, hit it hard and have the gear there to Aid in recovery, help strength, and gains. I'm sure he won't only b hitting back during this cycle just focusing on it more. If u have a lagging body part then this is a great way to get it up to Par
there's no shortcut for a good back man if that's what your asking. sorry.
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